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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 22:15



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 05:52

Imperialism: monopoly capitalism. Is the monopoly stage of capitalism, but also the development of capitalism and the final stage of the highest class. With the development of proctive forces and proction improvement in the level of socialization, the relationship between the social capital of the ensuing development of capitalist proction relations in the new changes, the rule of monopoly organization to become the basis of economic life, the capitalist free competition from the monopoly stage stage. Lenin said that imperialism is a system that is "a very small number of 'advanced' countries of the world, the majority of residents in the implementation of colonial oppression and financial checking system." At the same time, the history of imperialism, made a scientific analysis of the status,
Pointed out that it was replaced by the inevitability of the socialist system. The essence of imperialism and the most solid foundation is the monopoly. Imperialism is the most basic economic characteristics: ① the proction and capital to focus on the development of such a high extent, resulting in the economic life play a decisive role in the organization of the monopoly; ② bank capital and instrial capital has been fused together, in this "financial capital" formed the basis of金融寡头; ③ with different capital goods output has special significance; ④ to carve up the world of international monopoly capitalist alliance has been formed; ⑤ the biggest capitalist powers has been the territorial division of the world finished.
The so-called capitalism, is the distribution of social capital should be given priority the protection of private interests and the system-ju, and its fundamental guarantee of the fundamental signs and the introction of party politics in the consortium;


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