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月下独酌 李白 英文版

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 00:28



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 13:54

The Little Fete, 它的歌词(英语)吟诵的是李白的《月下独酌》,是老外 J.C. Cooper 改写后的英文版。用中国人的口音来吟诵英文版的月下独酌,十分有趣,尤其是曲终的那一记响锣声,真是有够经典的。(It's funny but interesting to me.)

The Little Fete
by J.C. Cooper

I take a bottle of wine and I go to drink it among the flowers.
We are always three -
counting my shadow and my friend the shimmering moon.
Happily the moon knows nothing of drinking,
and my shadow is never thirsty.

When I sing, the moon listens to me in silence.
When I dance, my shadow dances too.
After all festivities the guests must depart;
This sadness I do not know.
When I go home,
the moon goes with me and my shadow follows me.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 13:55

The Little Fete
by J.C. Cooper
I take a bottle of wine and I go to drink it among the flowers.
We are always three -
counting my shadow and my friend the shimmering moon.
Happily the moon knows nothing of drinking,
and my shadow is never thirsty.
When I sing, the moon listens to me in silence.
When I dance, my shadow dances too.
After all festivities the guests must depart;
This sadness I do not know.
When I go home,
the moon goes with me and my shadow follows me.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 13:56

I take a bottle of wine and I go to drink it among the flowers.
We are always three -
counting my shadow and my friend the shimmering moon.
Happily the moon knows nothing of drinking,
and my shadow is never thirsty.

When I sing, the moon listens to me in silence.
When I dance, my shadow dances too.
After all festivities the guests must depart;
This sadness I do not know.
When I go home,
the moon goes with me and my shadow follows me. 采纳则获得悬赏分以及奖励20分

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 13:56

A cinder - path winds along by the side of the pool. It is off the beaten track and few pass this way even by day, so at night it is still more quiet. Trees grow thick and bosky all around the pool, with willows and other trees I cannot name by the path. On nights when there is no moon the track is almost terrifyingly dark, but tonight it was quite clear, though the moonlight was pale.
Strolling alone down the path, hands behind my back, I felt as if the whole earth and sky were mine and I had stepped outside my usual self into another world. I like both excitement and stillness, under the full moon, I could think of whatever I pleased or of nothing at all, and that gave me a sense of freedom. All daytime ties could be disregarded. That was the advantage of solitude: I could savour to the full that expanse of fragrant lotus and the moonlight。
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