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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 00:26



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 13:28

there are times when you make me laugh
there are moments when you drive me mad
there are seconds when i see the light
though many times you made me cry
there's something you don't understand
i want to be your man
chorus:nothing to lose
your love to win
hoping so bad that you'll let me in
i'm at your feet
waiting for you
i've got time and nothing to lose
there are times when i believe in you
these moments when i feel close to you
there are times i think that i am yours
though many times i feel unsure
there's something you don't understand
i want to be your man
chorus:nothing to lose
your love to win
hoping so bad that you'll let me in
i'm at your feet
waiting for you
i've got time and nothing to lose
i'll always be around you
keep an eye on you
cos my patience is strong
and i won't let you run
cos you are the only one
nothing to lose
your love to win
hoping so bad that you'll let me in
i'm at your feet
waiting for you
i've got time and nothing
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