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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 16:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 01:27

Book 2 Mole 1 参*及部分解析(15期)
1-5 CBCBC 6-10 ACCAB
11-15 CACCB 16-20 ABCAC
21-25 ACCDD 26-30 ADBCD
31-35 ABADB 36-40 ADCAB
41-45 DBACC 46-50 BDABD
51-55 DCBCA 56-60 CBBDC
61-65 DBCCA 66-70 BDAAC
71-75 ADFGE
76. How to show your dad you love him.
77. To make them pleased / happy and flattered.
78. Include him in many of my family functions.
79. Waiting until a special time to buy the gifts.
80. Grows old.
81. ... in the harvest ... in → with
82. ..., we start to ... start → started
83. ... in the golden yellow. 去掉the
84. ... was very tiring. tiring → tired
85. See the others ... See → Seeing
86. ... a very longer ... longer → long
87. ..., and I made ... and → but
88. ... hard works of ... works → work
89. ... is easily got. is后加not
90. ... their own experience ... their → my
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Lee,
I am writing to give my opinions on teenagers' eating snacks and keeping fit.
As we all know, many teenagers prefer eating snacks to having healthy meals. That's because for teenagers, snacks are more delicious and convenient than home-made food. However, this habit harms teenagers' health seriously. First of all, snacks usually contain too much sugar, salt or fat, which may lead to serious health problems. Also, snacks do not provide enough nutrition for a teenager to keep fit.
Therefore, teenagers should avoid eating snacks. To do this, teenagers should keep the harms of eating snacks in mind. Besides, they should have good meals on time every day. In this way, I think teenagers can have a balanced diet and then a healthy body.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
21. A。have a temperature 意为“发烧”;take exercise意为“锻炼”。
22. C。根据till now可知,第一个空应用现在完成时;由语境及one day 可知,第二个空应用一般将来时。
23. C。“彼得丢失了一份重要的文件”是“他被开除”的原因,故此处用because引导表语从句。24. D。at least 意为“起码,至少”,用于对否定情况补充肯定的评论,符合语境。
25. D。根据“他没有错过任何一场比赛,即使比赛在半夜开始”可知,“吉姆非常痴迷(be crazy about)足球”。be bored with 对…… 厌烦;be anxious about 担心;be disappointed with对……失望。
26. A。此题考查“when + 动词-ing 形式/过去分词”结构。因clean 与其逻辑主语I是主动关系,故用其动词-ing 形式。when后省略了I was。
27. D。由“大约两年一次”可知,“我”很少(rarely)回老家。
28. B。connect 与proverbs 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故此处用其过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰proverbs。connect ...with ... ……与……有联系。
29. C。根据答语“是的,那家公司为我的手术支付了三千美金”可知,问句意为“你从你的医疗保险(insurance)受益了吗?”questionnaire 问卷调查;prescription处方;symptom症状。30. D。分析句子结构可知,_____ Mr. White said just now 是from 的宾语,因从句中said 缺少宾语,故用what 引导宾语从句。
31. A。由语境可知,洪水退后人们的生活恢复了常态。normal 正常的,通常的;convenient 方便的,便利的;familiar 熟悉的;unusual罕见的,不寻常的。
32. B。此题考查“祈使句+ or / and +陈述句”结构。因空格后的内容是做不到前面的事情的结果,故用or。
33. A。as 用作连词,意为“按照,依照”,引导方式状语从句。
34. D。根据“小男孩很快跑回家”可知,“ 他到家时不能顺畅地呼吸(breathe)”。survive 幸存,活下来;starve饿死;concentrate集中。
35. B。由下句中的“那么早打出租车会很困难”可知,后者同意对方的提议,故用“That couldn't be better(那再好不过了)”。Oh dear 天哪;Good job 干得不错;You're welcome不客气。
36. A。由下文的Each brick was created可知。
37. D。此处指“精灵为真理宫殿添砖加 瓦”。
38. C。根据文章内容可知,两座宫殿的建造方法是一样的。
39. A。当有小孩子说谎时,谎言宫殿的砖就会增加一块。
40. B。由文中多处出现的palace(s)可知。
41. D。由上文的all the spirits set about building two palaces可知。
42. B。43. A。两组精灵都努力建造宫殿,以确保各自的宫殿是最好的。
44. C。由上文的more tricky 可知,谎言精 灵使用诡计、不老实。
45. C。由上文的the lying spirits, ..., sent a group of spirits to the world to ... 可知,谎言精灵收集的是谎话。
46. B。由下文的started getting many more bricks可知,谎言精灵很成功。
47. D。由上文的started getting many more bricks可知,谎言宫殿比真理宫殿大。
48. A。由下文的turned into a paper box ... another brick turned into glass 可知,有一天发生了奇怪的事情。
49. B。由下文的another brick turned into glass可知。
50. D。51. D。由上文的turned into a paper box和turned into glass 可知,每发现一条谎言,由谎言所构建的砖块就改变了 原来的形状。
52. C。谎言宫殿的砖块纷纷破碎,因此,宫殿最后也就彻底散架。
53. B。54. C。在这时,大家都明白了谎言一无是处。
55. A。由下文的you never know what they will turn into 可知,谎言从来都不是它表面上看上去的那样。
本文是记叙文。本文主要介绍了 Martha写博客分享学校伙食的照片。
56. C。细节理解题。根据第一段的She judged the taste and health of the food 可知。
57. B。细节理解题。根据第二段的It provides food for children in schools for free可知。
58. B。细节理解题。根据第三段的that made some people angry. So the school officials decided to stop Martha's blog 可知。
59. D。标题归纳题。文章主要讲述 Martha 在网上分享学校饭菜的照片并加以客观评论,因此D项作标题贴切。
本文是应用文。Meghan Vogel 由于帮 助对手到达比赛终点成了新闻人物。
60. C。细节理解题。根据第一段的for a special act of kindness after she helped a competitor finish the race可知。
61. D。细节理解题。根据文中的No — I learned later that her name is Arden McMath可知。
62. B。推理判断题。根据文中的I still don't understand why the story became national news 可知,Meghan Vogel 对自己成为新闻人物感到不解。
63. C。细节理解题。根据文中的I turned a deaf ear to it 可知,Meghan Vogel 并不去理会这些批评。
本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了巴西著名设计师Oscar Niemeyer 以及他设计的一些与众
64. C。推理判断题。根据第一段的He chose a skilled and experienced Brazilian architect to build Brasilia 可 知,巴西总统将新首都的设计工作交给 Oscar Niemeyer 来做,因此肯定很信任 他。
65. A。细节理解题。根据第三段的It was a house for Brazil's President可知。
66. B。细节理解题。根据第四段的two tall towers that rise straight up into the air ... shaped like a bowl that a person would eat out of. On the other side is a building in the opposite shape可知。
67. D。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的 It is important that the designer think of more than design. The architect's role is to proce an architecture that serves everyone not just a group of important people 可知,Oscar Niemeyer 认为建筑 物应该服务大众。
68. A。推理判断题。根据第二段的 Schools could use the money to buy more textbooks and computers for students可知。
69. A。词义猜测题。根据第三段的They may concentrate on these ads and cause accidents 可知,distract 意为“使某人分心”。
70. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段的 Having ads on school buses doesn't help kids' ecation and could make kids buy things they don't need可知。
A 1-5 BDDAC B 6-10 CDABD
本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了天文学家Patrick Moore。
1. B。推理判断题。根据第一段的When he was six or seven years old ... He started to study the moon, planets and stars 可知,Moore 在很小年纪就对太空感兴趣。
2. D。推理判断题。根据第三段的both space programmes used his maps 可知,Moore在早期的太空探索中起到了很重要的作用。
3. D。细节理解题。根据第四段的Many people became excited about astronomy through Moore and‘The Sky at Night' programme可知。
4. A。段落大意题。该段的主题句为He also helped them develop their interest directly。
5. C。推理判断题。从划线句可知,Moore 一直以业余自居,认为自己只是在做喜欢的事情,因此是一种谦虚的态度。
6. C。推理判断题。第一段谈到在里约热内卢,语言不通给游客带来种种不便;第二段谈到二维码应运而生;第五段谈 到It hopes that this will help visitors learn and enjoy the city even more。由此可知,里约热内卢运用二维码是要改善 游客的游览感受。
7. D。细节理解题。根据第三段的QR codes are square pictures可知。
8. A。段落大意题。第四段主要介绍了要读取二维码的一些必备条件。
9. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段的It is a gift to the city,It is not only for visitors ... But it is also for the citizens 可知,Fabricia Rosa 高度赞赏二维码在里约旅游业的运用。
10. D。标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了二维码在里约旅游业的运用,D项生动、形象地概括了文章主旨。追问亲16期的...

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