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求<傲慢与偏见>中 Elizabeth的资料~要英文的越详细越好

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 15:31



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 09:47

As the second of the five daughters in the Bennet family, Elizabeth is depicted in the novel as being better-read and livelier-witted than her siblings. While her elder sister Jane is considered to be the beautiful one, Elizabeth is frequently referred to as her father's favourite; however these two are the closest of the sisters (and the most mature). She frequently shares her father's sardonic amusement at the antics both of her mother and of her younger sisters: Mary (the quiet, unattractive one), Kitty, and Lydia (both obsessed with flirting with the militia and fitting in with the social absurdities of the time).

Elizabeth, described as being the child that her mother is "least fond" of, especially after turning down Mr. Collins's proposal of marriage, is considered quite pretty and charming, and much is made in the novel of her "fine eyes" (the first physical feature Fitzwilliam Darcy is drawn to). She is also a loving and devoted friend, acting as counsellor and confidante to Jane, who, despite being elder and considered the 'beautiful' one, is shy and reserved. Elizabeth is also characterized as being more assertive and confident, and not easily cowed by those with higher social ranking than herself, such as Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Mr. Darcy – "My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me," she says. Though she is confident, she still acts in a manner much more reserved than her mother, younger sisters, and sometimes even her father, which Mr. Darcy mentions the first time he proposes to Elizabeth. She can, however, be stubborn, proud, and judgemental.

The novel primarily focuses on Elizabeth's relationship with Mr. Darcy, a wealthy and proud young man who snubs her on their first meeting at a public dance in her home village, criticizing her appearance as being "not handsome enough to tempt me". This leads Elizabeth to a pronounced disdain for Mr. Darcy, and her pain is further fuelled by Darcy's presumptuous interference with the budding courtship of her sister Jane by Mr. Bingley, Darcy's friend. Finally, there are the libellous accounts from the charming and personable George Wickham, whom Elizabeth meets shortly thereafter—and falls slightly in love with: Wickham, it would appear, has been unfairly denied his rightful inheritance by Darcy. All these "facts" persuade Elizabeth that her prejudice against Darcy is well-founded, both on good cause and upon her superior personal judgement of human character. As a result, when Darcy (who, surprisingly, has fallen in love with her) proposes marriage, she angrily refuses him. It follows quickly (that is, overnight) that Darcy—attempting to defend his wounded honour and no doubt to relieve his bludgeoned pride—personally provides Elizabeth his letter by which he reveals the motives for his interference in Jane and Bingley's relationship; and he gives a full account of his lifelong dealings with Wickham, who, it is revealed, harbours a selfish and dishonourable character beneath his outward pleasing manners. And then Darcy decidedly departs from her.

Over the course of the events and anxieties that follow, Lizzy is obliged to re-evaluate her opinions of Darcy, who, it seems, is also committed to some significant re-evaluation of his own actions and general behaviour towards others. Especially when he saves her sister Lydia from disgrace—at the hands of Wickham, no less—Elizabeth realizes that her feelings for Darcy have come full circle; and now, when Darcy finally gains sufficient courage to propose a second time, she accepts.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 09:47

Elizabeth Bennet
She dislikes Darcy because he is proud,and because she has heard bad things about him. But at the end ,she fall in love with Darcy
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