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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-20 17:09



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 03:05

This project from the project team and cooperation enterprise technology development contract signed the intelligent substation isolating switch intelligent I/O device design and development ", project Numbers: 2011 KJ-097, mainly to complete a in this project motor motor fault analysis shows that the design of the software wave, for motor failure analysis provide quantitative analysis tool. So the project research has important practical value.

Based on the analysis of the research based on a vast amount of literature, first of all, the paper analysis the demand of project, and puts forward the design of software project summary design scheme, then use VC++ dialog-based application framework for the software and complete intelligent I/O device of asynchronous serial communication of CSerialPort and Modbus agreement CModbus kind of design and implementation, and design of the virtual table of interpersonal interaction wave software interface, and finally the design of software testing.

CSerialPort design, by calling the Windows API functions asynchronous serial programming method, and used the overlapping operating mode. According to the software and intelligent I/O device fault waveform information and interaction of configuration information characteristics, this paper extends article 4 Modbus message order an information interaction, and based on this, the main way to complete the design of the software package Modbus. In order to realize the bottom message communication, this paper used the multi-thread programming, design special communications thread automatically complete the task of information interaction. At the same time designed three data information of object management.

Virtual and wave the curve of the display and watch software operating imitate Fluke of the operation of the digital wave table interface design, curve drawing using VC application framework of processing function OnPaint news and equipment environment DC drawing functions to provide realize, and realized the curve choice, amplification, such as the translation of the narrow/operation. Based on the user's demand, the software also achieved record wave file save/read the auxiliary functions.

Software testing results show that: the project research and software designed to achieve the expected purpose.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 03:06


热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 03:06

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