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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-20 15:25



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 16:01

1、Whose is this?这是谁的?
These books are mine, then whose are those? 这些书是我的, 那些书是谁的?
That's the man whose house was burned down. 这就是房子被大火烧了的那个人。
2.When the weather is good, I usually go to the country.若是天气好的话, 我总是到乡下去。
When i have money,i always buy some books.当我有钱,我通常都会买些书。
When the taxi comes,i shake my hand. 当的士开过来,我挥了一下手。
3.How did you escape?你是怎样逃掉的?
This is the way how he always treats me.他一贯就是这样对待我的。
How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎么样?
4.Where are you ?你在哪里?
This is the house where the great man was born.这所房子便是那位伟人出生的地方。
She was shown into a small room, where there was a dying man.她被领进了一间小屋子, 那里有一个垂死的人。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 16:01

whose books are these?
whose ruler is it?
whose sister is sitting under the tree?

when will you be back?
when did you buy this new bike?
when is your father's birthday?

how about going out with me?
how is the weather today?
how is your new neighbour?

where do you live?
where is your classroom?
where are you from?

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 16:02

whose book is this?
when will come to visit my home.
how to get my homework done.
where is the train station.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 16:02

1. do you know whose key is this.
2. when the film will begin?
3. how i wonder what you are?
where is the monster?

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 16:03

1.Whose shoes are they?
2.When is halloween?
3.How many are they?
4.where are you?

1、Whose is this?这是谁的?These books are mine, then whose are those? 这些书是我的, 那些书是谁的?That's the man whose house was burned down. 这就是房子被大火烧了的那个人。2.When the weather is good, I usually go to the country.若是天气好的话, 我总是到乡下去。When ...


It's strange that he's failed in the exam.他竟然不及格,真是想不到。②.用younger造句:My sister is younger than me.我妹妹比我小。③.用taller造句:Yaoming is taller than me.姚明比我高。④.用short造句:I'm short of money this week.我这个星期缺钱。


1、Add the second total to the third.把第二笔总额加在第三笔总额上。2、The figures add up to 450.这些数字加起来的总数是450。3、We added up all the advantages and disadvantages and tried to come to a decision.我们全盘估计了种种利弊,力图做出决定。4、The bad weather added to ...


3.What you say has no relevance to what we're talking about.你说的和我们正在谈论的话题毫无关系。4.she try to tell him the secret in due course.她试着在适当的时机告诉他一个秘密。5.She on her own in the college.她在大学是独立自主的。


Avenues radiate from the Arc de Triumphed in Paris.在巴黎,街道以凯旋门为中心向四方伸展。2.EuroDisney Have you ever visited the EuroDisney?你曾经参观过欧洲的迪斯尼?3.offer I offered her a beautiful dress.我给了她一件漂亮的连衣裙。4.product Petrol is the most important product of ...


1.was born 出生於 I was born in Beijing.2.province 省 Henan is a province of China.3.village 村庄 I love my village.4.primary school 小学 Now I am studying in primary school.5.parent 父母 My parents lvoe me so much.6.Party 政党 He joined the Party last year.7.found...


1. They have got tons of money.他们有很多钱。2. I give my dog a bone.我给我的狗一根骨头。3. Cheetah is a very dangerous animal.猎豹是一种非常危险的动物。4. The distance from my home to school is about 10 kilometers.从我家到学校的距离大约是10公里。5. We can not ...


The tree is too tall so that I can't reach the apple.这棵树太高了以致于我摘不到苹果。 It rains heavily so that we have to put off the sports meeting.雨下得很大,所以我们不得不推迟了运动会。He is so tired that he sleep quickly.他是如此的累以致于他很快就睡着了。T...


1.What's in your backpack?2.Look it up in a dictionary.3.Do you often watch television?4.My grandfather is 80 years old now.5.My sister is taller than me.6.My mother works in a hospital.7.His cousin is my classmate.8.There is a sofa in the corner.9.We are going ...

急!!!100个英语单词加造句(一个单词造两个句子 )

1.honest Honesty is the best policy. 诚实才是上策。He is an honest boy. 他是个诚实的男孩。2. brave He was very brave about his operation. 他对手术毫无惧色。She braved death to rescue me. 她冒着生命危险来救我。3.fond I'm fond of pop music.我喜欢流行音乐。She may ...

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