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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 13:00



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 10:29


Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering Institute of northern Software
Project Experience:
1 ticket management system: development of a domestic flight management system. The system requirements for distribution through major cities in the country of the airline's business network to provide customers with flight check, purchase tickets, refunds, and altered tickets service. I was responsible for flight management.
2, the logistics system: The system is mainly a commodity management, staff management, customer management, order management, purchasing management sales management and inventory management. I was responsible for staff.
Obtain the certificate: J2EE Software Development Engineer Intermediate
Professional skills:
Proficient in object-oriented and process-oriented development model, Java and JavaEE development model design patterns, javase technology. Program development based on MVC pattern Browser / Server mode, Client / Server model program development, will use the auxiliary building tools, Java open source frameworks such as Spring Hibernate Struts, etc., some access to the server (eg tomcat), database management, use, access, understand SqlServer2005 MySql Oracle, common network protocols (such as TCP / IP Socket http), to understand the installation and configuration of Linux development environment, and release, are familiar with simple commands.
Understanding and application of c + +, c #, vb, cobol and. NET

Language ability:
Japanese: General, can read Japanese photography books. English: Literacy General | Listening and Speaking generally
Master's tools: DreamWaver. FireWorks, PhotoShop, Flash. Premiere, Office.
As a 2009 graate, joined up after graating from the software training courses. I theory, whether in software or hands-on ability to conform to the needs of modern companies.
In high school I was student council, the university student union officers. Six years of student life for me a good affinity, communication and organizational leadership.
Learning, action-oriented staff. Job seriously. Good at innovation. Dare to challenge. Dare to take responsibility. There is a strong effort to work. Full of passion for work. Love their work. Full of team spirit. Acceptance of new things are strong.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 10:29

Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering Institute of northern Software
Project Experience:
1 ticket management system: development of a domestic flight management system. The system requirements for distribution through major cities in the country of the airline's business network to provide customers with flight check, purchase tickets, refunds and the altered tickets service. I was responsible for flight management.
2, the logistics system: The system is mainly a commodity management, staff management, customer management, order management, purchasing management sales management and inventory management. I was responsible for staff.
Obtain the certificate: J2EE Software Development Engineer Intermediate
Professional skills:
Proficient in object-oriented and process-oriented development model, Java and JavaEE development model design patterns, javase technology. Program development based on MVC pattern Browser / Server mode, Client / Server model program development, will use the auxiliary building tools, Java open source frameworks such as Spring Hibernate Struts, etc., some access to the server (eg tomcat), database management, use, access, understand SqlServer2005 MySql Oracle, common network protocols (such as TCP / IP Socket http), understand the Linux development environment installation and configuration and release, are familiar with simple commands.
Understanding and application of c + +, c #, vb, cobol and. NET

Language ability:
Japanese: General, can read Japanese photography books. English: Literacy General | Listening and Speaking generally
Master's tools: DreamWaver. FireWorks, PhotoShop, Flash. Premiere, Office.
As a 2009 graate, joined up after graating from the software training courses. I theory, whether in software or hands-on ability to conform to the needs of modern companies.
In high school I was student council, the university student union officers. Six years of student life for me a good affinity, communication and organizational leadership.
Learning, action-oriented staff. Job seriously. Good at innovation. Dare to challenge. Dare to take responsibility. There is a strong effort to work. Full of passion for work. Happily devotion. Full of team spirit. Acceptance of new things are strong.
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