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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 15:02



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 21:08

Wen said that folding networks are as follows:

Plastic folding plastic pipe 1 star
1. To squash plastic tube
2. The plastic tube from the middle off me (as a rectangular shape) and then folded like origami to the end of the spring as
3. The plastic tube 2 in the other end to suppress the other end was grabbed
4. The plastic tube down the other end to suppress the other end grabbed the other end pushed to the very beginning there
5. To tie a knot that two complete

Will the heroes who step 2 Zhongjian folded right angle? Fold but do not fold into a right-angled triangle the intermediate is not it? Then repeat the folded stacked triangles?
Step 3, "the plastic tube 2 in the first press and hold the other end by another grabbed" mean? Since the next step, said fold it into spring, there is a will to be to suppress how do? ?

Knees and begged heroes are the roses of folding the detailed steps to help resolve or fully stated below, will have re-XIE, or have image resolution.

Concrete rose the following diagram

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 21:09

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