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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-20 01:23



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 03:04

The students:
Hello everyone. Today, I must lecture is about the struggle of the speech, first of all, please allow me to tell you the story of a philosophy.
Once upon a time, there were four very emaciated man, a dense Africa they went into the jungle, and together they carrying a very heavy trunk, in the jungle of difficult walk forward step by step, the purpose of their visit is to follow the leader adventure, something they on the inside of the box is not know, they have only one purpose, is to get out of the jungle, the box to a friend the captain. On the road, because the captain suddenly disease, but because there is no doctor, unfortunately buried in the jungle. On his deathbed, he express volumes to peer three partners said speech: "this is what I do for the box, and now I can't walk, can you give it to the hands of my friend, when you arrive, you will get the precious than gold things."
After that, the captain died, they are after the burial of the captain, was carrying a box to continue the journey. With the passage of time, their physical strength more and more depleted, food is less and less, of course, is more and more difficult to walk the road. However, they are always in a difficult moment, think of the captain's orders, they finally plucked up the courage to go, hard.
Finally, pays off, they eventually overcome the difficulties, out of the jungle, the boxes to the captain's friend. However, the friend to visit their captain suddenly felt surprised, originally, he didn't know that the captain would send him something. So, together they I opened the box, in the box is actually a bunch of useless wood!
The end of the story, Comrades, hear the story, you have what feeling? The story of the surface looks dedication speech, the only captain to give them a box of useless wood. In fact, he has given the purpose of their action, to enable them to acquire the "precious than gold things" -- the struggle. From a philosophical point of view, man is different from other animal, is that people will be inspirational upward, is the spirit of struggle, also with high-level thinking ability. We humans cannot live like other animal to muddle along without any aim, people must have a clear purpose and goal.
All of you friends, listening to this inspirational speech, if you find yourself struggling goal, if not, hurry to find their own goals, because of the goal, your life will be perfect, there is a goal, is the direction of the struggle, let us work together for their own goals, my speech finished, thank you.
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