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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 09:48



热心网友 时间:2023-08-08 12:18

There is a three-dimensional,not flat, bear pattern on the box , in which the stationery quality is better than before.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-08 12:19

The bear pattern on the box is embossed not flat,and the quality of the stationery inside is better than before.


热心网友 时间:2023-08-08 12:19

The bear patten on the box is not flat but solid, and the writing materials show a better quality.

solid 形容词:立体的,三维的

热心网友 时间:2023-08-08 12:20

Box shell is stereo, bear is not flat, stationery inside quality is better than before

really hard to exist


Remember, before to change others, change yourself first. Spend your time on the more important things. Don’t waste your time on meaningless stuff. To be sober, don’t care so much on others’ meaningless opinions. You should be clear about what you are doing, whether or not...




你好:翻译如下:You are such a lucky dog to get a good cost performance product with limited purchasing power (我对这句话是这样理解的,在有限的购买力下,买到物美价廉的商品,真是运气)。或者就尊重原文翻译 It couldn't be better if you got a good cost performance product with ...

翻译成英语,谢谢 不是同一个厂家生产

The factory which produces the bear notebook is different from the one produces the piggy notebook and the donkey one.The paper that factory uses is a little bit inferior so the price is lower. But the piggy notebook and donkey notebook are of better quality....


翻译一篇文章 有点多了如果翻译好了我在给里面有些名词比如说AbbeyRoad就直接引用就行了太多了我懒的看帮忙下400分是上限http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=494996748就是这个帖子里的内容别拿机器翻译糊... 有点多了 如果翻译好了 我在给里面有些名词比如说Abbey Road就直接引用就行了太多了 我懒的看 帮忙下...


1.LI MING this week is the birthday, many students will go to her home to participate in birthday party.2.She learn good, and very friendly. Parents in the home often to help with household chores 3.Some students intend to parents as money, gifts to Geichimai ...


谢谢!! 我正在翻译一段话,但是由于我英语很烂,翻译了好久,都不行... 因为我是高中毕业的,毕业已经好多年了...英语都忘记好多了... 但是现在要用到,可是我翻译不了啊... 我用和那些翻译工具,可是翻译出来的东西.没有主谓宾,句子没有逻辑... 不知道谁可以帮忙???谢谢!! 1. 很多情况下,单靠个人能力已...

翻译成英语 谢谢 英语好的进

Seafarers Sinbad once seven times, and each sailing first voyage is full of danger. He had met the giant, boa constrictors, big bird, strange apes and the old fisherman.或者是 Sinbad has seven seamen, sailing, and every voyage is fraught with danger. He had met the giant, ...


It's really good/nice to be better.

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