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服装外贸英语 求翻译啊

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 05:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 16:35


- Rece the hood as indicated by the pins we have placed on it;缩短帽子大小,按照我们别针位置的指示。
- Rece sleeve lenght up to 68 cm 袖长缩短至68厘米
- Increase + 2cm the height of the jacket (therefore the jacket will become +2cm longer);夹克衫衣长增加2厘米(所以夹克会比原来长2厘米)

- Move up the lower pockets by 2 cm from the bottom edge (so they should finish where the needle is placed on the proto);底部下边的口袋向上移2厘米(所以他们应该在照片上针的位置处为止)

- Please double the shell fabric inside the 2 pockets placed on the upper part;请将上方的两个口袋,口袋里用面布缝在里布上。

- Add central stitching between the edge and the zipper on the 2 lateral pockets (see where the needle is placed)-两边侧袋拉链边缝中车上针线迹(看针指示的地方)

- The labels should be attached following the way we have placed them on the proto 衣标应该车在我们样衣指示的位置
- Please apply Doyle jacquard personalised tape (as indicated inside the prototype) in order to cover the stitching between shell fabric and jersey from side to side, making sure not to sew it centrally for 6 cm to be used as inner hook (see proto) 请加上提花织带(样衣内的指示)为了盖掉面布和泽西布缝合的针迹,请注意不要从中间车缝,留六厘米作为衣领内畔。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 16:35


- Rece the hood as indicated by the pins we have placed on it;缩短帽子大小,按照我们别针位置的指示。
- Rece sleeve lenght up to 68 cm 袖长缩短至68厘米
- Increase + 2cm the height of the jacket (therefore the jacket will become +2cm longer);夹克衫衣长增加2厘米(所以夹克会比原来长2厘米)

- Move up the lower pockets by 2 cm from the bottom edge (so they should finish where the needle is placed on the proto);底部下边的口袋向上移2厘米(所以他们应该在照片上针的位置处为止)

- Please double the shell fabric inside the 2 pockets placed on the upper part;请将上方的两个口袋,口袋里用面布缝在里布上。

- Add central stitching between the edge and the zipper on the 2 lateral pockets (see where the needle is placed)-两边侧袋拉链边缝中车上针线迹(看针指示的地方)

- The labels should be attached following the way we have placed them on the proto 衣标应该车在我们样衣指示的位置
- Please apply Doyle jacquard personalised tape (as indicated inside the prototype) in order to cover the stitching between shell fabric and jersey from side to side, making sure not to sew it centrally for 6 cm to be used as inner hook (see proto) 请加上提花织带(样衣内的指示)为了盖掉面布和泽西布缝合的针迹,请注意不要从中间车缝,留六厘米作为衣领内畔。
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