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谁能提供Color Translation (颜色翻译)的英文版毕业论文资料

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 01:51



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 11:04

English language, said the words are different colors or color rich. We must not only observe the basic significance of their own, meaning they have to pay attention to a deeper symbolic meaning. because of their symbolic meaning in different national languages often have different characteristics, Some characteristics of the people even after extended form, color after tropes advocating and taboos. The symbolic significance of this difference in color between different cultures is e to the cultural and historical background of each nation. Aesthetic differences in the psychological, and social development in the history of sedimentation common. it is a permanent phenomenon. This paper attempts from the cultural point of comparison, analysis and research into the development of the cultural symbolism of the color words.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 11:05

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