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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 01:43



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:29

The movie Pirates of Carribean is very popular around the world the latest series presents the audience the beautiful creature of mermaid.

In people’s eyes the image of mermaid presents beauty and kindness because we have read the story Little Mermaid. The heroine sacrifices herself to save her love. But in modern movie mermaid presents the evil thing who will sing a song to sece people and then eat them.

It is so differen from what we have learned from the fairy tales. The meaning of this word is the monster in the water so mermaid actually is not something beautiful but evil. It is indeed has the attractive appearance while with bad heart.









热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:30

The movie Pirates of Carribean is very popular around the world the latest series presents the audience the beautiful creature of mermaid.

In people’s eyes the image of mermaid presents beauty and kindness because we have read the story Little Mermaid. The heroine sacrifices herself to save her love. But in modern movie mermaid presents the evil thing who will sing a song to sece people and then eat them.

It is so differen from what we have learned from the fairy tales. The meaning of this word is the monster in the water so mermaid actually is not something beautiful but evil. It is indeed has the attractive appearance while with bad heart.



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:30

The Little Mermaid lives at the sea bottom with her father the Sea King, her grandmother, and her five older sisters, born one year apart. When a mermaid turns 15, she may swim to the surface to watch the world above, and as the sisters become old enough one of them visits the surface every year. As each of them returns the Little Mermaid listens longingly to their descriptions of the surface and human beings.
When the Little Mermaid turns 15 she ventures to the surface. She sees a ship with a handsome prince, and falls in love with him. There comes a great storm, and the prince almost drowns, but the Little Mermaid saves him and she
delivers him unconscious to the shore near a temple. Here she waits until he is found by a young girl from the temple. But the prince never sees the Little Mermaid.
The Little Mermaid asks her grandmother whether humans can live forever if they do not drown. She is told that no, humans have an even shorter lifespan than mermaids. Mermaids live for 300 years, but when they die they turn to sea foam and cease to exist. Humans, on the other hand, have a short lifespan on earth, but they have an eternal soul that lives on in heaven even after they die. The Little Mermaid spends her days longing for the prince and for an eternal soul. At last she goes to the Sea Witch, who sells her a potion that gives her legs, in exchange for her tongue, because the Little Mermaid has the prettiest voice in the world. But drinking the potion will feel like a sword being passed through her, and walking on her feet will feel like walking on knives. And she will only get a soul if the prince loves her and marries her, for then a part of his soul will flow into her. Otherwise, at dawn on the first day after he marries another woman, the Little Mermaid will die broken-hearted and turn to sea foam.追问是周星驰拍的美人鱼

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