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英语作文four seasons40字129

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-16 04:42



热心网友 时间:2024-07-01 09:34

Spring is the best season ,plants bloom in spring.Swimming is my favourite sport in summer.but is very hot.typhoons often occur in summer.Autumn is the harvest season,Leaves change color and fall in autumn.Winter is the last of four seasons,it is very cold

热心网友 时间:2024-07-01 09:34

There are four seasons in a year.
They are spring ,.
summer ,autumn and winter.
Spring is the beginning of a year.It's windy and warm in spring.The grass and trees are green in Summer.It is hot and sunny.
It's windy and cool in Autumn .The trees and grass become yellow.
It's cold and snowy in winter.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-01 09:34

Spring is the start of the year, every thing begins to wake up from the long cold winter; Birds start to sing songs every morning out side the window, trees grow their new leaves. Summer comes right after the spring wind blow itself away. In summer the trees go deep green, people dress in shorts and shirts and skirts, they go swimming a lot. Autumn comes after summer, leaves turn brown and fall down to the ground, fruits and crops grow ripe and farmers harvest in their fields. Winter comes at last, wind blows and snow falls, everyone stays at home and enjoy the peace and quite of winter.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-01 09:35

英语作文four seasons40字
Spring is the start of the year, every thing begins to wake up from the long cold winter; Birds start to sing songs every morning out side the window, trees grow their new leaves. Summer comes right after the spring wind blow itself away. In summer the trees go deep green, people dress in shorts and shirts and skirts, they go swimming a lot. Autumn comes after summer, leaves turn brown and fall down to the ground, fruits and crops grow ripe and farmers harvest in their fields. Winter comes at last, wind blows and snow falls, everyone stays at home and enjoy the peace and quite of winter.
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