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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 03:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:39

The 萨丕尔 say:" the Language is a guide to social reality".The language taboo conct and actions the cultural phenomenon of the certain society, what its back rely on is a culture with deep race to contain.Culture of point very extensive.The material civilization and spiritual civilizations of the havings that mankind create all belong to the row of the culture.The American text chemist gram Luo the 伯 has ever point out: the mode that culture included the behavior and guide behavior of mode, have" external appearance" and"ed contain" the both side.The behavior pattern procts with guide the mode thing of the behavior to turn" external appearance" in the artificial medium, but" contain" is the concept of value that the history becomes up- culture of core.Gram Luo 伯 thinks that concept of value is the basis of the distinct dissimilarity culture. return someone to is divided into three layers of" thing, the heart thing, heart" to the culture." thing" points the thing machine," the heart thing' point the heart to combine with the thing, include the natural science social science, the layer " the heart" point the mode of thinking, concept of value, the race personality, appreciate beauty the interesting aspect, morals standard, religious consciousness etc.. gram Luo" contain" of 伯 is" heart". it is an implicit and deep culture, but all the time not use in the exertive work. while carry on the taboo language contrast, we discover the English-to-Chinese taboo" external appearance" of the total likeness actually source in" contain" of dissimilitude. commences mutually from its form tend together can dig out the English-to-Chinese race on the deep culture of difference.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:40

Sa is great you to say that,"Language is a guide to social reality".The language taboo takes certain social the cultural phenomenon,What its behind depends on is a national deep culture containsThe culture refers extremely widelyThe humanity creates all material civilization and the spiritual civilization are row of the culturalAmerican culture scientist Kroeber once pointed out that,Culture including behavior pattern and instruction behavior pattern,Has "outward appearance" and "contains the" two aspectsThe behavior pattern and the instruction behavior pattern transforms into "outward appearance" in the artificial proct,But "contains" is the value idea -- culture core which in the history formsKroeber thought the value idea is difference different culture basis. also some people divides into the culture "the thing, the heart, the heart" three levels."the thing" refers to the thing, "the heart ' points to the heart and the thing union, including the natural sciences social sciences," the heart "refers to the thinking mode, the value idea, the national disposition, the esthetic appeal, the moral standard, religious consciousness and so on. Kroeber" the content "is" the heart "this level. it is the concealed in-depth culture, but constantly in does not play the role. in to carry on time actually the taboo language contrast, We discovered the English to Chinese taboo overall similar "the outward appearance" the root. hastens from it with commends in fact in different "the content" obtains may excavate the English Han nationality's in in-depth culture difference.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:40

Sapier: "Language is a guide to social reality".

Linguistic taboos as a social cultural phenomenon, Relying on its back is a national profound cultural reserves.
culture in an extremely broad.
all mankind created the material and spiritual culture are included.
American culture scholar Keluobo pointed out : including cultural patterns and behaviour patterns of behaviour guidance with the appearance " and " " containing " 2.
behaviour patterns and guide behaviour patterns containing " " appearance in artefacts, including " and " is a history of the values -- the cultural core.
Keluo that values are the basis for the distinction between different cultures. It was divided into the cultural "objects, objects heart, heart" three levels. "Material" refer device, "psychological objects' means a combination of heart and objects, including natural sciences and social sciences," heart "means way of thinking, values and national character, aesthetic taste, moral standards, religious awareness.
Keluo's "containing" is the "heart" of this level.

It is implicit in the deep cultural, But all is not playing the role.
In contrast taboo words, we found similar overall English Chinese taboos "appearance" is actually alien "element."
from the convergence of things we can dig deep in the culture of English Chinese ethnic differences.
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