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热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 08:36

About age and second language acquisition, many theorists and applied linguistics home do a lot
The study, but there are still many disputes if:
(1) in the physiological aspect
Neurophysiologists have study found that the two hemispheres of the brain. Each division, after about hemisphere cornering, left brain Steinberg, specializing in language (1993). Penfield and Roberts (1959:10) think language acquisition in the best age ten years before, because this time people's brains have plasticity in neurophysiological research based on 20 centuries 60 years lenneberg (1967), and put forward the critical period hypothesis (s) crtca perod. He recognized for two years to puberty (from), 10 ~ l2 brain plasticity, compared with language learning to let. The children and alts Lenneberg in language learning is different to the poor by neural physiological phenomena, he thinks children after 12 years in length to finalize the design, and has to change the accent, learning a language must spend more effort, and may not learn as well as the native language.
(2) in cognition
Many researchers recognition for the development of cognition, on the second language acquisition has negative shadow. Alts and children's first two different language acquisition process. Children use language acquisition mechanism, as the first language acquisition as well as the second language acquisition, Alt use general ability to solve problems. Cognitive ability in 16 years old before get fast development, then slowly down. Sla is the most important stage of adolescence. This stage of learning can be on abstract thinking. Second language acquisition needs a lot of abstract thinking, because language speech is essentially abstract. At this point, the alt children have advantages than. The cognitive ability of alt learning enhancement, faster. The linguistic (3)
Chomsky, people thought of language learning mechanism exists in mind. To explore the theory of universal grammar knowledge of language and language and the essence of second language acquisition. People once thought, if children born not contact any language, whether can have their own language. Some people even think, if a child does not contact begins from the crowd said they would humans the initial language. But the truth is that the human experience even has really "language acquisition mechanism", if there is no external factors, human also is not to obtain the language.
(4) emotional explanation
Emotional factors in many ways like a human control, motivation, self-esteem, imitating and depression. Krashen once put false feeling feels filtering, said he thought the success of learning foreign language learners should take on the attitude.
From the four aspects of the above analysis, we can see that children and alts to learn a second language has its advantages and disadvantages. As the Krashen (1982-43) that alts can also learn a foreign language well, and if the study and use of language in the same time, alts than older children, children's progress faster than young children learning effect is better. But Ellis (1994) in the summary on the basis of previous studies that children and alts in foreign language learning has advantage. 1990a (Ellis493; to the "mental muscle model" mentalmusclemodel can explain children in phonetic learning is superior to the alt and the cognitive ability of alts, learning faster on foreign language teaching. Stern1985 early age. He did not exist or critical age, but the learners of all ages have their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Therefore said foreign language learning is not sooner rather than later, on the one hand, alts and children's learning a second language should incorporate respectively, On the other hand, professor of alts and children of second language teaching method should be different

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 08:36

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