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求翻译....<上荆公书> <回苏子瞻简>

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 03:15



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 10:33

Book on the Jing Gong 苏轼 Sushi 某顿首再拜。 An obeisance Zai. 近者经由屡获请见,存抚教诲,恩意甚厚。 Recently, through the award-see, keep ask teachings, even the thick-en Italy. 某始欲买田金陵,庶几得陪杖屦,老于钟山之下。 For a start buy land Jinling, Shuji may accompany stick sandals, old at the Zhongshan below. 既已不遂,今来仪真,又二十余日,日以求田为事,然成否未可知也。 Now that fail to materialize, this to instrument true, then two Shi Yuri, Japan in order to Tian for the matter, whether it will resort also ran into. 若幸而成,扁舟往来,见公不难也。 Fortunately, as if, boat exchanges, the public is not difficult to see also. 向屡言高邮进士秦观,太虚公亦粗知其人。 A statement to the repeated Gaoyou jinshi Qin Guan, Void rough idea on who the public is also. 今得其诗文数十首拜呈,词格高下,固已无逃于左右。 Obtaining the scores of this poem was the first prayer, the word lattice preference could no longer escape the left and right solid. 独其行义饬修,才敏过人,有志于忠义者,其请以身任之。 Xiu Yi ordered his deeds alone before extraordinary sensitivity, interested in loyalty, their requests to any of the body. 此外博综史传,通晓佛书,讲集医药,明练法律,若此类未易一一数也。 In addition, Comprehensive History of Bo-chuan, proficient in Buddhist books, talk set medicine, Ming practicing law, if such number is also not easy 11. 才难之叹,古今共之,如观等辈,实不易得。 Was in trouble, sigh, a total of ancient and modern, such as the concept of such generation is really easy to find. 顾公少借齿牙,使增重于世,其他无所望也。 Gu Gong Shao-by teeth, so that weight gain known to the world, nothing to look the other also. 秋气日佳,微疾想已失去,伏冀顺时候为国自重。 Autumn good air day, micro-illness would like to have lost self-respect for the country when the V Jishun. 回苏子瞻简 Back to the Su Zi Zhan Jian 王安石 Wang An-shih 某启:承诲喻累幅,知尚盘桓江北,俯仰逾月,岂胜感怅。 A Kai: Cheng Hui Yu tired of increase in knowledge still linger Jiangbei, pitching more than month, Qi wins a sense of despair. 得秦君诗,手不能舍,叶致远适见,亦以为清新妩丽,与鲍、谢似之。 Was QIN Jun poetry, hand does not care, Ye Zhiyuan see appropriate, but also that the fresh Wu-Li, and Bao, Xie like the. 不知公意如何? I do not know how the public will? 余卷因冒眩①,尚妨细读,尝鼎一脔,旨可知也。 I roll dizzy because of the risk ①, still impede peruse, try sampling a part, Zhi we can see also. 公奇秦君,数口之不置②,吾又获诗,手之不舍。 Public odd QIN Jun, a few mouth of the stranger to ②, I obtained a poem, their hands having left. 然闻秦君尝学至言妙道,无乃笑我与公嗜好过乎? Ran Wen Xue Zhi Yan Miao Tao QIN Jun taste, non-public and hobbies are laughing and I had peace? 未相见,跋涉自爱,书不宣悉。 Not each other, journey self-love, the book without declaring noted.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 10:34

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