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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 02:04



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 17:21

Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, he and his mother Clara and cow meters can White live together. They are very poor, but very loving each other. One day, Jack's mother walked up to Jack and shouted," Jack, I spent the last bit of flour, we have no more food. You must be White rice to sell on the market at a good price." As a child, as his mother asked came onto the market, about halfway up, Jack and rice White in a shady resting under the oak. Suddenly in front of them appeared a little bent poorly dressed person. He said he would buy a lovely old cow and he gave Jack a beanstalk in exchange. Jack saw the man is very kind, Jack went ahead with the deal, embrace the meters to be White, and then they go all the way. Jack hurried home, to his mother the beanstalk. He is very proud of the transaction and make sure that his mother will be satisfied. His mother be up his hat and put the beans out the window. "What a fool you, Jack, I told you is really disappointing!" Jack that night in bed, toss about. The moonlight into his bedroom window is very bright, he was afraid she would let mom and rice White disappointed. While at the same time, a great magic vine growth is outside. The very next day, Jack wakes up, he did not believe the moment see a far and cloud big plant. He left a message to my mother to tell her that he would climb up vines to seek his fortune and he soon will back. " Don't be afraid, mother - what good will." Climb, climb, until the following hut into a dot. When he reaches the top, he climbed the last great cloud, and in a nearby Castle walk past. Jack soon found a mean old giants, he and his pet chicken and his fairy harp a piece of life. Giant all the time to the poor chickens shout," lay more eggs, you no bird!" Because these eggs were made of gold. Beautiful harp will pop melody to make nervous poor chicken to quiet down. Now a dirty old giants have formed a habit of eating too much and most of the time he will be in the upright piano accompanied by quiet sleep till noon. Giant as thunder sound that was fast on Jack, the chicken and the harp can safely visit and mutual understanding. Jack knows he must help his new friend from a giant get free. In the very next day, when the giant nap time, Jack will be a chicken on one of his arms, the harp in his other arm under ran to the beanstalk. Prompt and careful he climbed down until they came to the ground. He quickly cut down the giant will behind them to chase. " You are free, my friend, and will and my mother and I live happily together!"
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