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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 04:54



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:22

Perhaps you will feel able to dial telephone booking in the hotel is very convenient, for the first time to go to this hotel, we can not be learned only through a phone call to the real situation of this hotel, let alone in this city, other similar Hotel-case scenario. In the Internet era, to search for information through the network is very easy, very convenient in. The network has a large and small, numerous Web sites. Press releases, personal home page, Blog, management platform, etc., of which there is something called portal site, it can provide a lot of information can also provide a platform for exchange. If there is such an integrated hotel address, contact details, hotel details, and more other information, to the theme of hotel information portal, it will be our much needed.
In this paper, feasibility analysis, needs analysis, outline design, detailed design, and several other parts of this hotel portal design and implementation of the development process are explained. In which the core functions of several moles to achieve, and its realization and the design detail.
System implementation using the Java language, based on B / S Development Framework, using the MVC development pattern, JavaEE development standards, and use can greatly increase development efficiency of the SSH framework

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:22

Maybe you could feel it convenient to contact through with a phone for your hotel reservation, but for the person who go there for the very first time, we could not possibly learn about the true pictures only through a call, not to mention the situations in other similar hotels in this city. Nowadays, it is very easy and convenient to search information on the internet with Internet highly developed. The Internet presents numberous websites including bigs and smalls as well as provides stages for communication. if there should be a gatedoor website that integrated the address, the contacts, and the other details about hotels in the subject of the information of hotels, that would be what we very much want.
The text illustrates the prosess of the programming of design and implement of such a gatedoor hotel through accessibility analyzing, demand analyzing, summary design and detail design, etc. We carry out an implementary for several core function models and give a specific explanation for the implementary and design.
We take Java for the implementary of the system based B/S programming infrastructure, and use MVC programming models with standard programming JavaEE, and enabling high efficiency ring the process to a large extent by using SSH framwork.
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