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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 15:16



热心网友 时间:2023-05-08 20:23

From Feb,2009 til now, China Mingsheng Banking Corporation, Shanghai Branch
I've gotten in touch with some banking business, taken parts in skill training and have work on private counter as well as the reconciliation process, etc. I al so have certain cash business operation ability. in addition, I have abtained understanding and improvement in my profession and skills.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-08 20:23

The technical ability trains the knowledge , relevance studying banking business , the chest being in progress to private interests works face to face , participates in a silver anxiously expecting pair of accounts waiting. By cash business has had certain operation capability to the bank , at the same time, has had .know about and has improved in the field of business and the technical ability. Why says this words Oh in English , asks English to reach people giving a hand.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-08 20:24

Feb 2009 til now Working in Shanghai Branch of China Minsheng Bank

Have studied professional knowledge in banking field and received relevant skill training. Was involved in counter work provided to indivials and bank reconcilation. Now I become more familiar with cash transactions and have improved a lot in capability and skills.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-08 20:25

2009.2-date the Shanghai Branch of China Minsheng Banking
 study of banking knowledge, relevant skills training, to counter the work of private, to participate in, such as bank reconciliations. Bank cash for business operations have a certain ability and skills in business have to understand and improve.
This sentence in English how to say ah, please help out the people of English.
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