发布时间:2022-05-01 02:14
时间:2022-06-22 08:36
MPhil所进行的是为期两年的专业研究。一般很少上课 -- 除非是导师制定选修某些课程。同时,一般也很少考试。只是交研究报告,论文就可以了。从某种角度,MPhil和PhD差不多。泛泛的讲,两者的差异在于从事研究的时间不同:前者是进行两年的专业研究;后者是三年。除此之外,最关键的区别就是,两者的培养目的和对研究课题的要求程度不一样。
LLM是一个一年制的法学进阶课程,相当于中国的法学硕士学位。全称是Master of Law。美国本国非法学背景学生基本上以读JD为主。凡具有法学学士或以上学位者可以申请美国的LLM。
时间:2022-06-22 08:37
楼上正解 : )
时间:2022-06-22 08:37
I respect Rele2, but I can't agree with him/her this time.
The name of the degree reflects the method of study and/or the goals of the program.
MPhil is Masters of Philosophy and PhD is Doctor of Philosophy. They are research based programs and all knowledge eventually lead to philosophy, which is the foundation of everything.
MPhil is to verify old or current knowledge, but PhD is to create new knowledge. Any candidate can register in an MPhil or a PhD program upon graation from their Bachelor's. An MPhil graate can move onto a PhD program, or a PhD candidate can opt to graate with an MPhil if he or she fails to proce new knowledge. Every PhD has an MPhil component. The goals are different. The purposes are also different.
In a law school in USA and Canada, LLB is a graate program to train lawyers who have an undergraate degree in any discipline. LLM is a research degree, very similar to a PhD, though LLM is also an advanced degree in law skills. There is a JD (Doctor of Justice or Doctor of Jurisdiction), which is an academic research program in law, but graates are not entitled to any qualification for legal practice.
If you have an LLB, you can register for either LLM or MPhil, but their focus is very different. For LLM, probably your goal is either to become a senior law practitioner or a professor in a law school. For MPhil or PhD or JD within a law school, your goal will be within the academic world.
时间:2022-06-22 08:38
哲学硕士,MPhil(不是修哲学的,仅是名头,) LLM法学硕士