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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-24 10:11



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 01:56

1 using the ruler
2 go to school
3 a pair of pants
4 A pair of shoes
5 Two pair of shoes
6 singing in the room
7 dancing in(at) the gym
8 swimming in(at) the gym
9 lead the person to visit (somewhere)
10 in the center of the (somewhere)
11 return to the school
12 I want to help you!
13 how much time?
14 behind of (somewhere)
15 near(by) the playground
16 wait for ten minutes
17 the book on the shelf(The book which is on the bookcase)可以用定语从句强调主语
18 English newspaper
19 Attention!(please note)
20 the cleanness room
21 Philatelic Exhibition(the stamp colection Exhibition)
22 do something together
23 looking for the wallet
24 the money which is in the wallet
25 something else
26 the left side of the tree
27 the right side of the wall
28 next to me
29 behind in the class room
30 between you and me
31 Wall posters
32 the door in the wall (the door which is in the wall)
33 visit the Greatwall
34 keep cleaning
35 a piece of message(a message)
36 hear something soundly (sounds good)

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 01:56

2.go to school 30.between me znd you 28.next to me
36.That sounds good.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 01:57

1. With this ruler
2. Go to school
3. A pair of pants
4. A pair of shoes
5. Two pairs of shoes
6. Singing in the room
7. Dancing in the gym
8. In the gym to swim
9. Lead the person to visit
10. ... Central
11. Back to School
12. I will help you
13. How much time
14. In the rear ...
15. In the playground near the
16. 10 minutes, etc.
17. The book shelf
18. English newspaper
19. Please note that
20. Clean room
21. Philatelic Exhibition
22. 22 Cooperation
23. Looking for wallet
24. Bag of money
25. Something else
26. The left side of the tree
27. The right side of the wall
28. Next to me
29. In the classroom behind
30. Between you and me
31. Wall posters
32. Wall door
33. Visited the Great Wall
34. Kept clean
35. A message
36. Sounds good
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