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09年12月英语四级B 卷答案

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 23:33



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 11:51

来源:沪江网校 ┊ 时间:29分钟前 ┊ 阅读:466 次 ┊ 字体:[ 大 中 小 ] [划词 ] ┊

Section A
11. A Get some small change.
12. B Buying a gift for a child.
13. A Taking photographs.
14. B He can provide little useful information.
15. D He knows his own limitations.
16. C Her gym exercise has yielded good results.
17. D The professor's suggestion is constructive.
18. A Indifferent

19. C He has to work ring the day.
20. B Learn data processing.
21. C Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.
22. A What to bring for registration.
23. D A financial trader.
24. B He considers cooking creative.
25. D It can be a good thing.

Section B
26. C. Life was not possible in outer space.
27. C. It has a large ocean under its surface.
28. A. Light is not an essential element to it.
29. B What Dr. Meyer's instructions exactly were
30. D She askes them to repeat what they are supposed to do.
31. A It lacks the stability of the printed word.
32. C Challenging work.
33. A Many tedious jobs continue to be done manually.
34. D Give them responsibilities as part of a team.
35. B They concern a small number of people only.

Section C
36. classified
37. background
38. album
39. appreciation
40. context
41. implies
42. image
43. instrument
44. Descriptive writing in the humanities, particularly in literature, is often mixed with critical writing.
45. It tells the reader how to do something. For example, explaining the technique used to shoot a film.
46. Authors may actually use more than one type of technique in a given piece of informational writing.

47. K recruited
48. J recording
49. L total
50. C aspects
51. B analyzed
52. H quality
53. N unsure
54. G established
55. A already
56. E contributing

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 11:51

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