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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 23:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:16


作词 : 王嘉尔

作曲 : 王嘉尔/Boytoy

Yeh Yeh Aite aite aite aite aite


You got me feeling like a


Feeling like a Papillon


Aite aite aite aite aite aite aite


I'll shine like a diamond


Aite aite aite aite aite aite aite


You got me feeling like a


Feeling like a Papillon


Aite aite aite aite aite aite aite


I'll shine like a diamond


Oh lord oh lord I truly feel blessed


Been trapped inside so long


But now I feel blessed I'll break rules like Rick Ross'd be saying

却仍觉得被庇佑 我将像Rick Ross(美国歌手)一样打破窠臼

Spit fire like flame tools them burn it all


Ain't nobody give a xxxx 'bout a rule that's what I do


It made a new me


Kingdom of freedom


Now I'm run by me


All they care about is profit


Nah they don't see me


Hustling with my crew all day faithfully


Don't try pull me over for that penalty don't try to kill my vibe

休想让我止步于这些挫折 休想再刻意扼杀我的感受



在伴奏的乐器上,王嘉尔采用了节奏强烈的鼓点,与他独特的唱法相结合,听起来律动感强、力量感十足,而王嘉尔低沉*的说唱则是整首歌的画龙点睛之笔。该曲是一次极具意义性的打破规则的行为,王嘉尔用创造无限可能的音乐精神为听众带来了一次前沿的嘻哈音乐体验 。


热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:17

我第一眼就想到 王嘉尔的巴比龙 Papillon 你听一下 应该就是这个

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:17

Blue - Keith Hanley
listen up here's a story
About a little guy
That lives in a blue world
And all day and all night
And everything he sees is just blue
Like him inside and outside
Blue his house
With a blue little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
Cause he ain't got nobody to listen

I'm blue
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di

I have a blue house
With a blue window
Blue is the colour of all that I wear
Blue are the streets
And all the trees are too

I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here
That walk around

Blue like my corvette it's in and outside
Blue are the words I say
And what I think

Blue are the feelings
That live inside me
I'm blue
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di

I have a blue house
With a blue window

Blue is the colour of all that I wear
Blue are the streets
And all the trees are too

I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here
That walk around

Blue like my corvette,
its in and outside
Blue are the words I say
And what I think

Blue are the feelings
That live inside me

Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di

oh blue追问大哥,是女生唱的,节奏很嗨,有很多哎哎哎哎

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:18


热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:19

come and get your love 拿走不谢!
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