发布时间:2022-05-01 01:07
时间:2022-06-21 16:44
Voina i na i nai nai nai nai na
Serymi tuchami nebo zatyanuto
Nervy gitarnoi strunoyu ottyanuty
Dozhd’ barabanit sutra i do vechera
Vremya zastyvshee kazhetsya vechnost’yu
Nas raskidali po vsem napravleniyam
Tanki pekhota ogon’ artilleriya
Nas ubivayut, no my vyvaem
Isnova v ataku sebya my brosaem
Davai za zn’, davai brat do kontsa
Davai za tekh, kto s nami byl togda
Davai za zn’ davai brat do kontsa
Pomyanem tekh, kto s nami byl togda
Nebo nad nami svintsovymi tuchami
Stelitsya nizko tumanami khladami
Khochet’sya verit’, chto vse uzhe konchilos’
Tol’ko by vyl tovarishch ranenyi
Ty poterpi bratok, ne umirai poka
Budesh’ ty t’ eshche dolgo i schastlivo
Budem na svad’be tvoei my otplyasyvat’
Budesh’ ty v nebo detishek podbrasovat’
Davai za zn’, davai brat do kontsa
Davai za tekh, kto doma zhdet tebya
Davai za zn’, davai brat do kontsa
Davai za tekh, kto doma zhdet tebya
Davai za nikh davai za nas
I za Sibir’ i za Kavkaz
Za svet dalekikh gorodov
I za druzei i za lyubov’
Davai za vas, davai za nas
I za desant i za spetsnaz
Za boevye ordena
Davai podnimem starina
Davai za zn’, davai brat do kontsa
Davai za tekh, kto s nami byl togda
Davai za zn’, davai brat do kontsa
Pomyanem tekh, kto s nami byl togda
Davai za zn’,
Davai za tekh,
Davai za zn’,
Davai pomyanem tekh kto s nami byl.
时间:2022-06-21 16:44
Warrior, and on and most most most most at
Gray clouds sky prolonged
Nerves gitarnoi string delay
Rain drum sutra till evening
Time seems frozen eternity
We are spread in all directions
The tanks fired artillery infantry
We are being killed, but we will survive
Isnova in the attack itself, we throw
Come to life, gave a brother up to the end
Go for those who were with us then
Come for the life given to the brother of the late
Remember those who were with us then
The sky above us with leaden clouds
Trail low mists hladami
I want to believe that everything is already over
Only a wounded comrade survived
You tolerate браток not died yet
Thou shalt live long and happy
We will be at a wedding tvoei we otplyasyvat
Shalt thou in heaven kids podbrasovat
Come to life, gave a brother up to the end
Go for those who are at home waiting for you
Come to life, gave a brother up to the end
Go for those who are at home waiting for you
Let them provide for us
And in Siberia and the Caucasus
For the light of distant cities
And for friends and for love
Come for you, come for us
And for the landing and for special
During the battle order
Let's raise starina
Come to life, gave a brother up to the end
Go for those who were with us then
Come to life, gave a brother up to the end
Remember those who were with us then
Come to life
Go for those
Come to life
Let's remember those who have been with us.
时间:2022-06-21 16:45
Warrior, and on and most most most most at
Gray clouds sky prolonged
Nerves gitarnoi string delay
Rain drum sutra till evening
Time seems frozen eternity
We are spread in all directions
The tanks fired artillery infantry
We are being killed, but we will survive
Isnova in the attack itself, we throw
Come to life, gave a brother up to the end
Go for those who were with us then
Come for the life given to the brother of the late
Remember those who were with us then
The sky above us with leaden clouds
Trail low mists hladami
I want to believe that everything is already over
Only a wounded comrade survived
You tolerate браток not died yet
Thou shalt live long and happy
We will be at a wedding tvoei we otplyasyvat
Shalt thou in heaven kids podbrasovat
Come to life, gave a brother up to the end
Go for those who are at home waiting for you
Come to life, gave a brother up to the end
Go for those who are at home waiting for you
Let them provide for us
And in Siberia and the Caucasus
For the light of distant cities
And for friends and for love
Come for you, come for us
And for the landing and for special
During the battle order
Let's raise starina
Come to life, gave a brother up to the end
Go for those who were with us then
Come to life, gave a brother up to the end
Remember those who were with us then
Come to life
Go for those
Come to life
Let's remember those who have been with us
时间:2022-06-21 16:46
这是lube的даваи за吧
瓦以那 以那 以那 以那
谢雷米 肚脐米 捏把 杂家奴打
捏了为 鸡大了诺 斯特鲁弄诺有 阿加怒得
躲屎去 巴拉巴尼特 死 无特拉 打 vie切拉
乌列米啊 砸死得辐射 噶热擦 vie 器那死球
那厮 拉丝鸡大力 爸 腹泻母 那普拉福利你也悠
坦机 别火大 阿国恩 啊了鸡列利亚
那厮 无比瓦有特 诺 美为日瓦夜幕
意思诺瓦 夫 阿她哭 c比啊 美 不拉萨夜幕
达瓦伊 咋 热自拟 达瓦伊 布拉特 打 干擦
达瓦伊 咋 结合 课多 死纳米 背了 大哥大
达瓦伊 咋 热自拟 达瓦伊 布拉特 打 干擦
把米亚你夜幕 结合 课多 死纳米 背了 大哥大
捏把 纳特 纳米 斯文错微米 赌气阿米
死接力擦 妮子卡 杜曼纳米 和拉大米
或企业擦 vie力气 屎多 腹泻 捂热 国企里泻
多利卡 背 为热力 达瓦历史 栏内你
得 八戒了屁 不拉多克 涅乌米拉伊 八嘎
不结实 得 热气 多了卡 一 吓死里瓦
不结实 那 丝袜级别 特袜业一 美 阿特普利亚塞挖去
不结实 得 夫 捏把 阶级社科 巴特不拉萨瓦器
达瓦伊 咋 热自拟 达瓦伊 布拉特 打 干擦
达瓦伊 咋 结合 课多 多吗日胶特 击毙啊
达瓦伊 咋 热自拟 达瓦伊 布拉特 打 干擦
达瓦伊 咋 结合 课多 多吗日胶特 击毙啊
达瓦伊 咋 你喝 达瓦伊 咋 那厮
一咋 息比例 一咋 卡夫卡斯
咋 斯vie特 打料机和 嘎啦多夫
一咋 的路介意 一咋 刘波费
达瓦伊 咋瓦斯 达瓦伊 咋那厮
一咋 解散特 一咋 死别次尼斯
咋 霸业伟业 啊了见那
达瓦伊 巴特你夜幕 斯大林那
达瓦伊 咋 热自拟 达瓦伊 布拉特 打 干擦
达瓦伊 咋 结合 课多 死纳米 背了 大哥大
达瓦伊 咋 热自拟 达瓦伊 布拉特 打 干擦
把米亚你夜幕 结合 课多 死纳米 背了 大哥大
达瓦伊 咋 热自拟
达瓦伊 咋 结合
达瓦伊 咋 热自拟
达瓦伊 把米亚你夜幕 结合 课多 死纳米 背了 大哥大
时间:2022-06-21 16:46