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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 04:27



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 10:34

3. To do a good job training, improve service levels. To further improve the rural tourism of the overall level of reception, it is necessary to improve the overall quality of the reception staff, and strengthen the awareness of tourism services. The first is to strengthen the training of tourism knowledge. The majority of tourists want to engage in direct communication with employees, understand the basic situation of tourism, tourism, lack of knowledge and lack of tourists is bound to affect the overall feel, therefore, to enhance the training of tourism professionals to better visitor services. The second is to emphasize the training of service norms. Rural tourism in order to "characteristics" attractive, but this feature is built on the basis of norms of service, it can be said not to normalize and standardize the services, features can not be there. At present, rural tourism services there are still many non-standard phenomena, around to the local actual situation, to strengthen training in this area in order to standardize services to guide and promote the development of rural tourism. The third is to strengthen the local folk culture and customs training. Mining should conscientiously, conscientiously sum up the local folk culture and customs recognize and strengthen the tourism practitioners trained in this area, so that rural tourism with local customs and local culture to achieve an organic combination of Tourism and Culture to improve the grade of quality and service.
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