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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-25 09:01



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 09:29

To make the crust, toast the almonds and pecans on a clean baking sheet for about 10 minutes in a 325°F oven. Toss halfway in between to make sure they are evenly toasted. Leave the oven on to be ready to cook the crust once it's ready.
Once toasted, throw them into a food processor with the rest of the crust ingredients and blend until no large chunks of the nuts remain.
Press the crust with your fingers or a silicone spatula into a 9 inch spring form pan to make an even, thin layer. Bake for about 10 minutes or until it has turned a golden brown and is set. After the crust has cooked, let it and the spring form pan cool before adding the cheesecake batter.
While the crust is cooking, prepare the cheesecake batter by beating together the cream cheese, erythritol and stevia. Use an electric hand mixer to make this process much easier. All the chunks of the the cream cheese should be gone and the mixture should be soft and smooth.
Add in 1 egg at a time, beating until each is incorporated. Then add the vanilla extract, lemon juice and salt.
Lastly, add in the sour cream and stir until it's combined.
By now, the crust should be baked and the spring form pan should be cool. Place the spring form pan on top of a large sheet of heavy ty aluminum foil and wrap the foil up onto the sides of the spring form pan making sure there are no openings or holes on the bottom. Place the spring form pan into a roasting tray to prepare it for the water bath.
Pour in the cheesecake batter and smooth out the top with a silicone spatula. Pour hot water, carefully, around the sides of the spring form pan until it's halfway up.
Carefully transfer the roasting tray with the spring form pan into the oven and bake for an hour and a half at 325°F. The top of the cake should be set but jiggly and it will continue cooking even as it is cooling.
To cool the cake, turn the oven off and crack the door open. We like to leave a wooden spoon wedged in the door, leaving about a 1-2 inch gap in the door. This will let the heat escape but prevent the cake from cooling too quickly, cracking in the process.
Leave the cake in the cooling oven for an hour before covering it with foil and refrigerating for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight.
Top with your favorite toppings and enjoy!
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