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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-16 04:23



热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 21:02


热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 21:03


热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 21:03

The software develops an engineer
Being responsible for the fingerprint machine controls a development
Be responsible for the system development of the citysee electronic commerce
Be responsible for a software/network development, and the multimedia publicizee related business

The fingerprint machine controls a development
The factory square provides fingerprint machine to control a piece, we are responsible for ising integrated it to be worth the software proct of company in;That software needs a fingerprint to identify.
Being responsible for fingerprint machine and procere lends, and 1/3

The bank touch holds multi-media navigation system
Introce basic circumstance and business of bank, the convenient customer looks into immediately
Display 3 D electronics mapses of each beauty spot, 45 star class guest houses, the development area, universities and collegeses of Nanking City
A demonstration city wins the electronic commerce terrace of small scaled company's house greatly
Be responsible for company's house and activity 2 procere mold pieces
A business website of Korean decoration Chinese sole agent
Be responsible for the safe work of the backstage mold piece and data
The solid hour manages the internal employee's resources information terrace;Include the employee's wages management, test to record frequently, the prize and punishment records, quarter degree report etc., the company has a part-time job personnel's information particularly, the contact resources of various business database etc.;The system is divided into customer 5 grades, each grade all has an own legal power allotment.
Be responsible for all works, analyze a database text file to arrive art interface to end procere development from the need of[with] beginning.(Don't include a test)
Develop a plug-in of Autocad, help an user to separate quickly from the complicated cad the construction the diagram/withdraw a sketch of demand
Everyday which is responsible for drawing up the need analysis book direct to moderate other 2 people works progress, and be responsible for adjusting to try
I am pleased to delve into
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