发布时间:2022-05-01 05:05
时间:2022-06-24 15:47
Spaceflight fatalities
The history of space exploration has been marred by a number of tragedies that resulted in the deaths of the astronauts or ground crew. As of 2007, in-flight accidents have killed 18 astronauts, training accidents have claimed 11 astronauts, and launchpad accidents have killed at least 71 ground personnel.[dated info]
About two percent of the manned launch/reentry attempts have killed their crew, with Soyuz and the Shuttle having almost the same death percentage rates. Except for the X-15 (which is a suborbital rocket plane), other launchers have not launched sufficiently often for reasonable safety comparisons to be made.
About five percent of the people that have been launched have died doing so (because astronauts often launch more than once). As of November 2004, 439 indivials have flown on spaceflights: Russia/Soviet Union (96), USA (277), others (66).[citation needed] Twenty-two have died while in a spacecraft: three on Apollo 1, one on Soyuz 1, one on X-15-3, three on Soyuz 11, seven on Challenger, and seven on Columbia. By space program, 18 NASA astronauts (4.1%) and four Russian cosmonauts (0.9% of all the people launched) died while in a spacecraft.[dated info]
In total, Shuttle accidents have claimed the lives of fourteen.
Soyuz accidents have claimed the lives of four. No deaths have occurred on Soyuz missions since 1971, and none with the current design of the Soyuz. Including the early Soyuz design, the average deaths per launched crew member on Soyuz are currently under two percent. However, there have also been several serious injuries, and some other incidents in which crews nearly died.
NASA astronauts who have lost their lives in the line of ty are memorialized at the Space Mirror Memorial at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Merritt Island, Florida. Cosmonauts who have died in the line of ty under the auspices of the Soviet Union were generally honored by burial at the Kremlin Wall Necropolis in Moscow. It is unknown whether this remains tradition for Russia, since the Kremlin Wall Necropolis was largely a Communist honor and no cosmonauts have died in action since the Soviet Union fell.
There have been four fatal in-flight accidents on missions which were considered spaceflights under the internationally accepted definition of the term, plus one on the ground ring rehearsal of a planned flight. In each case all crew were killed. To date, there has never been an incident where an indivial member of a multi-member crew has died ring (or while rehearsing) a mission.
1967 April 24: parachute failure: Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov died on board Soyuz 1. His one-day mission had been plagued by a series of mishaps with the new type of spacecraft, which culminated in the capsule's parachute not opening properly after atmospheric reentry. Komarov was killed when the capsule hit the ground.
1971 June 30: crew exposed to vacuum of space: The crew of Soyuz 11, Georgi Dobrovolski, Viktor Patsayev and Vladislav Volkov, were killed after undocking from space station Salyut 1 after a three-week stay. A valve on their spacecraft had accidentally opened when the service mole separated, which was only discovered when the mole was opened by the recovery team. Technically the only fatalities in space (above 100 km).
1986 January 28: structural failure after lift-off: The first U.S. multiple in-flight fatalities. The Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed 73 seconds after lift-off on STS-51-L. Analysis of the accident showed that a faulty O-ring seal had allowed hot gases from the shuttle solid rocket booster (SRB) to weaken the external propellant tank, and also the strut that held the booster to the tank. The tank aft region failed, causing it to begin disintegrating. The SRB strut also failed, causing the SRB to rotate inward and expedite tank breakup. Challenger was thrown sideways into the Mach 1.8 windstream causing it to break up in midair with the loss of all seven crew members aboard: Greg Jarvis, Christa McAuliffe, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik, Michael J. Smith, and Dick Scobee. NASA investigators determined they may have survived ring the spacecraft disintegration, while possibly unconscious from hypoxia; at least some of them tried to protect themselves by activating their emergency oxygen. Any survivors of the breakup were killed, however, when the largely intact cockpit hit the water at 200 mph (320 km/h). See Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.
2003 February 1: structural failure ring re-entry: The Space Shuttle Columbia was lost as it reentered after a two-week mission, STS-107. Damage to the shuttle's thermal protection system (TPS) led to structural failure in the shuttle's left wing and, ultimately, the spacecraft broke apart. Investigations after the tragedy revealed the damage to the reinforced carbon-carbon leading edge wing panel had resulted from a piece of insulation foam breaking away from the external tank ring the launch and hitting shuttle's wing. Rick D. Husband, William McCool, Michael P. Anderson, David M. Brown, Kalpana Chawla, Laurel B. Clark, and Ilan Ramon were killed. See Space Shuttle Columbia disaster.
There has also been a single accident on a flight which was considered a spaceflight by those involved in concting it, but not under the internationally accepted definition:
1967 November 15: control failure: Michael J. Adams died while piloting a North American X-15 rocket plane. Major Adams was a U.S. Air Force pilot in the NASA/USAF X-15 program. During X-15 Flight 191, his seventh flight, the plane first had an electrical problem and then developed control problems at the apogee of its flight. The pilot may also have become disoriented. During reentry from a 266,000 ft (50.4 mile, 81.1 km) apogee, the X-15 yawed sideways out of control and went into a spin at a speed of Mach 5, from which the pilot never recovered. Excessive acceleration led to the X-15 breaking up in flight at about 65,000 feet (19.8 km))[1]. Adams was posthumously awarded astronaut wings as his flight had passed an altitude of 50 miles (80.5 km) (the U.S. definition of space).
在太空探索的历史,并导致其中一个悲剧,在航天员或地面人员造成的死亡人数。截至2007年,在飞行中意外死亡18宇航员,训练事故已造成11个宇航员,并启动事故已造成至少71名地勤人员。日消息] [
约百分之二的载人发射/再入企图杀死他们的船员和联盟号航天飞机与具有几乎相同的死亡百分比率。除了在X - 15(这是一个亚轨道火箭飞机),其他发射器没有足够的启动往往比较合理的安全需要作出。
约5个已发起民众死亡这样做(因为宇航员经常开展一次以上)。截至2004年11月,439人已经出动了上太空飞行:俄罗斯/前苏联(96),美国(277),其他(66)。[编辑] 22人死亡,而在航天器:在阿波罗1号,1 3在联盟1号,在X - 15 - 3,联盟11号3,对挑战者七个,七宗在哥伦比亚。由太空计划,美国航天局宇航员18(4.1%)和4(0.9%的人所有的发射)死亡时,在航天器。[日消息]俄罗斯宇航员
1986年1月28日:结构失败后剥离:一是美国的多个飞行中死亡。挑战者号航天飞机被摧毁73秒后剥离在STS - 51 - L的。事故分析表明,一个错误的O形圈密封曾允许从航天飞机固体火箭助推器(SRB)之热气体削弱外部推进剂贮箱,也是支撑这举行的助推器的坦克。坦克尾部区域的失败,导致它开始瓦解。国家储备局支撑也没有,造成储备局向内旋转坦克和加速解体。挑战者将被抛出侧身1.8马赫导致它在空中打破了同船上7名船员全部损失:格雷格贾维斯,克丽斯塔麦考利夫,罗纳德捷,埃利森鬼冢,朱迪思雷斯尼克,迈克尔J ·史密斯,迪克斯科比Windstream的。美国宇航局的研究人员确定他们可能在飞船解体存活,而可能是由缺氧昏迷,至少其中一些试图保护他们的紧急氧气通过激活自己。任何生还者的解体*,但是,当大部分完好无损驾驶舱打击200英里每小时(320公里/小时)的水。见挑战者号航天飞机灾难。
2003年2月1日:结构故障在重返大气层:哥伦比亚号航天飞机失去了,因为它经过两个星期的使命重返,执行STS - 107。损坏航天飞机的热防护系统(TPS)的失败导致了结构性航天飞机的左翼,最终,飞船解体。惨剧发生后的调查揭示了在钢筋混凝土中碳碳机翼前缘面板的损害已经造成破坏的绝缘距离从外部燃料箱在发射过程中一块泡沫材料击中航天飞机的机翼。里克四丈夫,威廉麦库尔,迈克尔P.安德森,大卫布朗,研究员Kalpana Chawla的,乙劳雷尔克拉克,和宜兰拉蒙被杀害。见哥伦比亚号航天飞机灾难。
1967年11月15日:控制失败:迈克尔J.亚当斯去世时驾驶一北美国X - 15火箭飞机。亚当斯是美国主要的空军在美国航天局/美国空军X - 15的试验计划。在X - 15的飞行191,他的第七次飞行,这架飞机第一次有一个电子故障,继而在其飞行远地点控制问题。该试验还可能迷失方向。在从二六六零零零英尺(50.4英里,81.1公里)远地点再入中,X - 15 yawed侧身失控,变成了一个旋转的马赫5,从这些试验没有恢复的速度。导致过度加速的X - 15在飞行中打破了约65,000英尺(19.8公里))[1]。亚当斯被追授为他的翅膀飞行宇航员已经通过了50英里(80.5公里)(美国定义的空间)的高度。