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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 12:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 05:31



鲁宾孙遭遇海难漂流到荒岛上以后,没有怨天尤人,坐叹命运的不公,而是利用自己的双手和头脑让自己过上富裕的生活。他所做的每一件事都会花费很多精力与时间,但是他有耐心有毅力,从不放弃,鲁宾孙的无限勇气与坚韧不拔的实干精神给我留下了深刻印象。The secret of success is consitancy to purpose (成功的要秘在于坚持不懈地奔向目标)。鲁宾孙的这种对于目标的坚持不懈的奋斗精神是值得称颂的。



每个人的人生都具有两重性,;鲁宾孙也不例外。鲁宾孙在孤岛上生活了17年后的一天,他在海滩上发现了一串人的脚印,他躲进自己的堡垒,惶惶不可终日。不久,他发现海岸上有人骨并且有生过火的火堆,当他最后知晓是来自外岛的野人曾在此举行过人肉宴后的七年中,他一直保持高度警惕。在他的充满挑战的一生中,鲁宾孙也会有胆怯的一面,是面对陌生脚印的担忧,是面对茫茫前路的茫然… …但是,最后鲁宾孙以自己的聪慧与才智战胜了一切的危险度过了所有的波折。在离开家乡后的第35个年头,九死一生的他在历经磨难后终于重返久别的故土。由鲁宾孙推而广之,我们每个人都会有抑或高兴抑或忧愁之时,很多时候,一个人所取得的成绩的大小只在于其自身。我想,假若每个人都有鲁宾孙的意志,那么成功对于我们而言就是指日可待的事了。


热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 05:31

<Lubin Sun Crusoe> study notes
"Rubin Sun drifting" is a story about the birth of bourgeois family at the sea despite Rubin SUN the risks and father of three sea against doing business in Brazil established plantations. Restless nature prompted him to plantations entrusted to friends, again from Brazil to Africa to catch merchant. While merchant hurricane, ran aground and sank all staff on board died, Rubin Sun only one man survived. He drifted at sea to South America a wasteland, with their wisdom and courage the use of resies in the ship breaking all the material and tools to build shelter, grow food, domesticated animals and manufacture tools, sewing clothes, many logging and do a boat, trying to return to the mainland. Once, a group of eating from the hands of indigenous people rescued a savage, and named him as "Friday" Rubin said Sun teach him English, to spread Christianity, "Friday" as his faithful servant and friend. Later, they help a mutiny by the crew to abandon the captain, Qiao Shi plot, recapturing the vessel. Rubin Sun finally ended his 28-years of isolated life, to return to his homeland. Read "Rubin Sun Crusoe" I read the Sun Rubin never met, and she never never believe in fate. he is a GDP of actors, he will own thinking into practical action, This is the young people we are missing, nowadays, many young people can do nothing but talk to his ideals and aspirations, pay very little action. Rubin, Sun's father Brad Pitt used his ecational philosophy, he satisfied with the status quo, not to go out to sea, But Rubin Sun has in the hearts of the strength of a mystery about him, so he formed, determined to cast aside the carefree life of the sea to make their fortunes. Rubin Sun's pioneering and enterprising spirit of the contemporary young people are not, is worthy of all of us to learn. Think of the "Brad Pitt" I was thinking of myself, I often "Brad Pitt" from the comfort, read "Rubin Sun Crusoe," I am deeply aware of his own shortcomings, while Rubin Sun's spirit and will also enable the firm to my own strengths make up for our own short-determination. Sun Rubin had run aground on uninhabited island drifting to the future, not blaming others and take lament the fate of injustice, but to use their own hands and minds to allow himself a prosperous life. He has done every thing will spend a lot of energy and time, but his patience with determination and never give up. Rubin Sun's unlimited courage and indomitable spirit of hard work left me a deep impression. The secret of success is to consitancy purpose ( the secret to success lies unremittingly into the goal). Rubin Sun's goals for the unremitting efforts of the spirit is laudable. Rubin Sun outer years of wandering. Despite all kinds of hardships, finally won a substantial amount of wealth, the final era of the heroes careers. Rubin from the Sun's life's experiences, I realize that the "No pain, no gain" the real meaning; Rubin Sun's life was full of adventure and challenges in life, Rubin Sun's life is the courage to challenge life, Rubin Sun from the body I saw all of the human vitality, he had the courage to see to their goal of fighting strength. The gift of life is unremittingly to their efforts, perhaps the road to success you will encounter numerous hardships and difficulties, like Rubin Sun, there will be stormy, even the hurricane, perhaps even the risk of loss of life, the hardships encountered when persevered a little longer, ring this period there is a joy in the success of the bold exploration for the people! Everyone's life has a al nature,; Rubin Sun is no exception. Rubin SUN living on isolated islands of 17 on the day after he was found on the beach were a bunch of footprints, he hid in their fortress and fear. Soon, he was found on the coast and bone You go overboard in a fire and When he was last known to the outer islands from the Savage had been held superior meat feast after seven years, he has maintained a high degree of vigilance. His life is full of challenges, Rubin Sun will be timid side, the face of unfamiliar footprints concerns faced with the vast road loss ... However, Finally Rubin Sun in its own intelligence and wisdom to overcome all of the dangerous spent all of the twists and turns. After leaving his hometown of 35 years, he lives through the ordeal finally after the long-awaited return to his homeland. Rubin from the Sun and, by extension, each one of us will be happy or sad or when, very often, a person's achievements only in the size of its own. I think that if everyone has the will Rubin Sun, then success is just around the corner as we are concerned the matter. Read "Rubin Sun Crusoe" I also think that he is very lucky, because he would be able to survive a storm, because he has been achieved. Sometimes, if you pay a lot of efforts, success on your door is still closed at this time, some people will end up as one unable discouraged and give up the pursuit, wasted; but some people will be firm and draw lessons from past experiences, seeking new opportunities yuan. So we, like Rubin Sun, the courage to face the hurricane, the courage to move forward, the success of direct access to the other side!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 05:32

Yesterday, I read a book, the name of the book is《Dr Bethune》.
Dr Bethune was a famous doctor From Canada. In 1938, he came to China. At that time , China was at war with Japan. He worked as a doctor in the Chinese army and saved many soldiers’ lives. He worked very hard and became sick. Dr Bethune died in 1939. He was only 49 years old. He was a good man and we remember him today.
I think the book is very, very good!

Written by Wu Qingxiang
Mar. 31,2006
How to do research
-------reading after a science paper
These days , I am busy preparing my dissertation which is about web usage mining . I read some English papers and learnt much from them . And now , I want to say something about a paper titled “Web Usage Mining :Discovery and Applications of Usage Patterns from Web Data”.
This is the first English paper I read about dissertation and gave me great help .
This paper is a review about web usage mining. It introced web usage mining in detail . Although it is a little old for it was published in 2000 , its contents are very useful today . It is organized according to the sequence of web usage mining and the six main parts are introction which tells me what is web usage mining , the sources and abstraction of web data , the three steps of web usage mining , taxonomy and project survey , websift overview , privacy issues . The third and fourth parts are most important . It had a list of existing project about web usage mining which I saw many times in other papers , but this paper is the one creating this list . Besides , it has been referred for more then twenty times . As we all know that , the higher the referred number is , the more important the paper is , so I consider this paper to be an important and successful one in this region.
In my opinion , the success of this paper es to three reasons . The first reason is the profound computer knowledge owned by the authors . Web usage mining relates to many subjects , such as artificial intelligence , ontology , semantic analysis , but the most basic knowledge is computer science . The four authors are all professors of department of computer science and engineering in university of Minnesota . For myself , I am not major in computer science and I am not very good at computers , so I feel a little difficult to understand technologies used in this region.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 05:32


热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 05:33


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