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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 10:21



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 02:25

Abstract: The water in the area and wild reed zone drilling, water-, respectively, for different periods of its three water samples in nitrogen and water hole near the roots of reeds along the way at different depths (0,0.5 m, 1.0m, 1.5m) Soil samples in the number of denitrifying bacteria were detected and studied the reed rhizosphere area denitrifying bacteria and nitrate nitrogen removal. The results showed that: reed areas of the nitrogen content in water is much lower than the surrounding areas and the river water or well water nitrate content, and the distribution of denitrifying bacteria were shown clear signs of rhizosphere effect. Research shows that: wild reed wetlands with a strong role in biological nitrogen removal, and the occasion of the root zone denitrifying bacteria is its possible role in biological nitrogen removal is the main cause.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 02:25

Through in the water plant area and the wild reed area punch, gathers the water, separately nearby three nitrogen content and the water pore the reed root (0,0.5m,1.0m,1.5m) in the soil sample denitrifying bacteria's quantity carried on to different time its water sample in along the regulation different depth examined and has studied the reed rhizosphere area denitrifying bacteria quantity and the nitrate nitrogen elimination relations. Result demonstration: The reed area's nitrate nitrogen's content is lower than the water plant area greatly and periphery the well water or the river water nitric acid salt content, but denitrifying bacteria's distribution presents the obvious rhizosphere effect. The research indicated: The wild reed wetland has the strong biology denitrification, but its rhizosphere area denitrification bacteria colony is the most primary cause which its living thing denitrification can realize.
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