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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-18 01:45



热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 00:43

1.饥饿的男孩把从冰箱里拿到的所有东西都吃光了。(get one's hands on)
The hungry boy ate up all the food in the refrigerator that he could get his hands on.
2.大学生应该尽快使自己适应不断变化的社会。(adapt oneself to)
College students should soon adapt themselves to the society that is constantly changing .
3.经济危机的责任在于商人,而不是劳动人民。(lie with)
The responsibility for the economic crisis lies with merchant, not the labor force.
4.在医生的帮助下,那位病人恢复得很快,几星期后便在一次站了起来。(stand on one's feet)
With the doctor's help, the patient recovered quickly, and stood on his feet in just a few weeks.
5.开始他只是一个推销员,但他一路奋斗成为公司的高层。(battle one's way)
He started as a salesman and battled his way to being an official of the company.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 00:43

1 :the hungry boy eaten all things get him hangs on from the refrigerator
2: the college student should be adapt himself to the changing society as soon as possible
3: The economic crisisis is lie with the businessmen, not the people
4: With the help of the doctor, the patient to recover quickly, and after a few weeks can stand on his feet
5: He just started a salesman, but battle his way as top of the company
希望帮到你,O(∩_∩)O~ 我用的尽量简单的词汇,希望你喜欢

热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 00:44

1. The hungry boy got his hangs on all the food that he took from the fridge and crammed into his stomach.
2. College students ought to adapt themselves to the ever-changing society as soon as possible.
3. The responsibilities of economic crisis lie with those business men, but not the working class.
4. With the help of his physician, the patient got a quick recovery, and he could stand on his feet few weeks later.
5. He was an average promotion worker, but he managed to battled his way to a higher position in the company.
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