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英语作文 你经常网上聊天吗?你认为它的好处和坏处是什么?写出你的观点

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 08:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 00:44

Surf the internet is popular recent years, and the people from different groups, like students, parents and school teachers, always argued about thechatting internet. Actually, it has advantages and disadvantages. Here below lists some of them and my views.
1. make new friends who can help you.
2. exchange ideas and learn more each other.
3. communicate with you family, friends or anyone else with no payment.
4. speak out your mind directly with no worry about the embarrassment which may happen in face to face talk.
1. many bad informations may spoiled the young people
2. spent more time on chating will affect the students' study.
3. sitting before the computer longer time is not good to people's health, specially for the teanager's eyes protection.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 00:44


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 00:44

Surf the internet is popular recent years, and the people from different groups, like students, parents and school teachers, always argued about thechatting internet. Actually, it has advantages and disadvantages. Here below lists some of them and my views.
1. make new friends who can help you.
2. exchange ideas and learn more each other.
3. communicate with you family, friends or anyone else with no payment.
4. speak out your mind directly with no worry about the embarrassment which may happen in face to face talk.
1. many bad informations may spoiled the young people
2. spent more time on chating will affect the students' study.
3. sitting before the computer longer time is not good to people's health, specially for the teanager's eyes protection.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 00:44

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