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篇章翻译 中译英 加急

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 08:45



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 02:00


I think that teachers give students, is a key to open the treasures of knowledge, rather than the students brain into a container. Teacher's job is to inspire students, through their own thinking, practice, testing to obtain the knowledge, to encourage them to bold questions and different opinions. Through discussion, draw their own conclusions, rather than the teacher acting on their behalf.

I love those who love to mention "strange" problem students. Not to mention the problem and can not be regarded as a good student.

In fact, learning is a continuously developing process of the error and correct their mistakes. Young people to learn, we should also learn. In short, ecation is to have people from ignorance into knowledge, from ignorance to become smart, from barbarism into civilization, rather than the reverse.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 02:01

I suppose that what a teacher passes on to students is a key to the treasure house of knowledge, not to change their brains into containers. What a teacher should do is to enlighten students to gain knowledge by their own thinking, practice and experiments, and is to encourage them to find solutions by raising and discussing problems, which should not be finished by the teacher.
I am in favor of those who love to raise “creative” questions. Those failing to bring up new ideas are far away from being a good student.
Actually, study is a journey with mistakes. Young people need to realize this as well as us. In conclusion, ecation is designed to preach erudition, wise, and civilization, rather than ignorance, illiteracy, and rudeness.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 02:01

I think that teachers give students, is a key to open the treasures of knowledge, rather than the students brain into a container. Teacher's job is to inspire students, through their own thinking, practice, testing to obtain the knowledge, to encourage them to bold questions and different opinions. Through discussion, draw their own conclusions, rather than the teacher acting on their behalf.
I love those who love to mention "strange" problem students. Not to mention the problem and can not be regarded as a good student.
In fact, learning is a continuously developing process of the error and correct their mistakes. Young people to learn, we should also learn. In short, ecation is to have people from ignorance into knowledge, from ignorance to become smart, from barbarism into civilization, rather than the reverse.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 02:02

I think that teachers give students, is a key to open the treasures of knowledge, rather than the students brain into a container. Teacher's job is to inspire students, through their own thinking, practice, testing to obtain the knowledge, to encourage them to bold questions and different opinions. Through discussion, draw their own conclusions, rather than the teacher acting on their behalf.
I love those who love to mention "strange" problem students. Not to mention the problem and can not be regarded as a good student.
In fact, learning is a continuously developing process of the error and correct their mistakes. Young people to learn, we should also learn.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 02:03

I want to give students, teachers, is a key to the treasure-house of knowledge, rather than the students into a container of the brain. Teacher's job is to inspire students, through their own thinking, practice and experiment to seek knowledge, encourage them to raise questions boldly and different opinions. Through the discussion, their own conclusion, rather than by teachers arranged instead.
I love those who love "strange" problem of the students. Ask no questions and cannot be good students.
Actually, learning from mistakes, and is a constant process of error correction. Young people want to learn, we also want to learn. Ecation, is to make a person from ignorance and folly become from what become wise, from the savage into civilization, and not the other way around.
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