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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-09 08:41



热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 01:04

1) to the end even know, and we have hope in the end the passage of time is something. After the hope is to turn back time what.
2) You're lonely in disguise
3) The taste of life, such as human drinking water, Lengnuanzi
4) I want is someone to judge their own
5) I think they are on the way into my life, although we obviously different in the two world
6) But the cry is the cry, hurt is hurt
7) that litter the flowers, the trees are withered, those desolate wind blowing, even if God does not remember, I remember that there will be
8) We take the big step forward, sleeves brush windy. Not Do not look back, not daring to look back.
9) In the mist, I could not see the world and not see the future, blind to their own
10) I'm tired of this life, but I do not want to be tired of himself.
11) There is a certain moment, I thought that the old days

热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 01:05


热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 01:05


热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 01:06

1) until the last even oneself also not know, has been expected time exactly is for something. Later want time reversal and to what.
2) you again in disguise lonely
3) the life taste, such as water, where the shoe pinches
4) I hope oneself is one's own to judge them
5) I think they just like that flow into my life, although we are clearly different from two of the world
6) but want to cry is to cry, hurt is hurt
7) those litter of flower, those wither tree, those sad the wind that blows, even god won't remember, also can have I remember
8) we striding forward, sleeves wind blows. Not turn not, not daring to turn back.
9) in the mist, I can't see the world, could not see the future, can't see myself
10) I've had enough of this life, but I don't want to tired of himself.
11) there a moment, I thought it was the old time
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