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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 07:26



懂视网 时间:2022-04-30 11:47


This file contains a design example using the GPIO driver(XGpio) and hardware

* device.  It onlyuses a channel 1 of a GPIO device.


* This example can be ran on the Xilinx ML300 boardusing the Prototype Pins &

* LEDs of theboard connected to the GPIO.

这个文件包含了一个设计实例使用GPIO驱动(XGpio)和硬件设备。它只使用一个通道1的GPIO设备。* *这个例子可以跑在Xilinx ML300,板连接到GPIO的led。


This file contains a design example using the GPIO driver(XGpio) in an

* interrupt driven mode of operation. This example doesassume that there is

* an interrupt controller in the hardware system and theGPIO device is

* connected to the interrupt controller.


* This example is designed to work on the XilinxML300 board using the PowerPC

* 405 processor present in the VirtexIIPro device. Theexample uses the

* interrupt capability of the GPIO to detect push buttonpresses and control the

* LEDs on the board. When a button is pressed it will turnon and LED located

* closest to it. When the button is released it will turnoff the LED.

* This examples uses two channels of a GPIO such that it isnecessary to have

* dual channel capabilities.


* The buttons and LEDs are on 2 seperate channels ofthe GPIO so that interrupts

* are not caused when the LEDs are turned on and off.


* At the start of execution all LEDs will be turned on,then each one by itself,

* and then all on again followed by all turned off. Afterthis sequence, button

* presses are processed by interrupts.


* The following snippet from the UCF file of the hardwarebuild indicates the

* way the GPIOchannels are connected to the ML300 for the LEDs and buttons.


*操作中断驱动模式。这个例子并假设有*在硬件系统中的中断控制器和GPIO器件是*连接到中断控制器。*本示例是使用的PowerPC在赛灵思ML300板工作* 405处理器中存在VirtexIIPro设备。该示例使用*同时GPIO中断能力检测按钮按下和控制*在电路板上的LED。当按下一个按钮,它会打开并位于LED*最接近它。当松开按钮,它会关闭LED。*本实施例采用了两个信道的GPIO使得它必须有*双通道功能。*该按钮和指示灯都在GPIO的2个独立的渠道,使中断*不当LED被接通和断开而引起的。*在开始执行时所有LED将被打开,那么每一个本身,*然后将所有再然后是所有关闭。后该序列中,按钮*印刷机被中断处理。*从硬件构建的UCF文件下面的代码片段指示*方式将GPIO通道连接到ML300用于LED和按钮。


This file contains a design example using the GPIO driver(XGpio) in an

* interrupt driven mode of operation. This example doesassume that there is

* an interrupt controller in the hardware system and theGPIO device is

* connected to the interrupt controller.


* This file is used by the TestAppGen utility to include asimplified test for

* gpio interrupts.


* The buttons and LEDs are on 2 seperate channels ofthe GPIO so that interrupts

* are notcaused when the LEDs are turned on and off.


**本文件所使用的TestAppGen,包括简化测试* GPIO中断。



This file contains a design example using the GeneralPurpose I/O (GPIO) low

* level driver and hardware device. It only uses a channel1 of a GPIO device.

这个文件包含了一个设计实例使用通用I /O(GPIO)低*驱动程序和硬件设备水平。它只使用一个通道1的GPIO设备。


* This file contains a example for using GPIO hardware anddriver.

* This example assumes that there is a UART Device or STDIODevice in the

* hardwaresystem.






热心网友 时间:2022-04-30 08:55


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