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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 08:24



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 18:31

I could give you some advice about learning.追问不要因为考试而灰心翻译成英语过去式

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 18:32

I might give you some suggestions about studying .

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 18:32

I am glad to share my methodes in learning English with enerybody.I am a professional basketball player and I study English in my part time.My learning was starting at 2002,then I passed PETS3 at 2005.Last year I failed the PETS4 with one point under the line. In learning English,at first,you need to ask yourself why do I study English and what is my goal.My goal is to be a international basketball referee after my player career.Nobody can plays it for ever.I believe that the opportunity is open to those well prepared for it. Sencond,choose realistic detailed goals in your daily life and contact your interests on the English.Reading English book and listening English songs or watching English TV series are efficient ways.There shouldn’t be one way to learn English,but you should find one which suits you.Don’t try to do more than you can.Decide how hard you can work and what you can do.Making the English to be a part of your daily life and have fun in learning English. Last the most important thing is patience and never give up.I often find that there are a lot of people who think that the English is too difficult to learn,then they give up.I think learning English that is easy,just to keep learning. To pass the exam,my advice is taking it easy.Relaxing as possible as you can.The exam is mean to test your studying and see which part you need to improved.I am eager to changllege myself to the higher level in learning English.If you study hard,I think the exam is no problem. I am far away from my goal to speak flunent oral English and traslate freely between Chinese and English.I will keeping work hard and try my best.It is never too old to learn. Yolanda
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