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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-18 07:50



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 02:10

over 做结束是形容词.
end 有名词之义,也有动词之义,均表示什么什么的结尾,结局.
做动词时:sth\sb end up with/in 以什么告终..
做名词时:in the end最终 at the end of 在什么什么的结尾 反义词组是at the start/beginning of ..
put an end to 给什么什么一个了结,结束什么.

end 短语:

all ends up informal completely 〈非正式〉 完全地,彻底地。

at the end of the day informal, chiefly Brit. when everything is taken into consideration 〈非正式,主英〉 考虑再三,到头来 at the end of the day I'm responsible for what happens in the school. 到头来,我还是要对学校发生的事负责。

be at (或 have come to) an end be finished or completed 结束;完成。

(of a supply of something) become exhausted (供应物)耗尽,用光 our patience has come to an end. 我们已完全失去了耐心。

be at the end of be close to having no more of (something) (某物)快没有了,所剩无几了 she was at the end of her patience. 她已经忍无可忍了。

be the end informal be the limit of what one can tolerate 〈非正式〉 令人难以容忍 you really are the end! 你真是让人忍无可忍!come to (或 meet) a sticky (或 bad) end be led by one's own actions to ruin or an unpleasant death 遭到报应;落得个悲惨的下场;不得好死。

the end-all a thing that is final or definitive 最后(或决定性)的东西。

end one's days (或 life) spend the final part of one's existence in a specified place or state (在特定的地方或状态中)度过余生 she ended her days in London. 她在伦敦度过余生。

over 短语:

be over no longer be affected by 从…影响下恢复过来,渡过 we were over the worst. 我们渡过了最困难的一关。

get something over with do or undergo something unpleasant or difficult, so as to be rid of it 把(不愉快或难做的事)先做完。

over against adjacent to 靠近 over against the wall. 靠着墙。

in contrast with 与…形成对照 over against heaven is hell. 与天堂相对的是地狱。

over and above in addition to 除…之外(还) exceptional service over and above what normally might be expected. 通常服务之外的特殊服务。

over and done with completely finished 全部完成,完全结束。

over and over again and again 一再地,再三地。

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 02:10

over属于一句话结束,等待对方回复。常见的短语有game over、over and over again等。

end经常用在作文的结尾,come to an end或者In the end,表示“最后”。它着重事情的完成,也指某种活动因为达到目的而自然结束或突然中止,适用范围和over一样广泛。

End的名词形式也表示“结束,尽头”。田径比赛中end point就是终点的意思。





热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 02:11

end 是动词,可以做谓语,over是副词,放在be动词后面才能组成谓语部分,如。The game is over. The meeting ended.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 02:11

给你几个句子好好揣摩一下: its on the end of the road. the bird is over(之上) your head the class is going to the end the class is over game over i will end your life所以,over 一般用名词或方位词,而end 一般用动词。但是end 它的方位词的意思是在……尽头。 还有什么不懂吗?
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