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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 11:22



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 17:02

The electric circuit design of the facilities catena system is aim at to shoot the line device facilities to insure the personnel safety but carry on of design.This design also can used for the important facilitieses, such as treasury, finance room and the file room...etc. to guard against theft safe application.Should design to adopt a switch, the passage light electricity switch, the work place touch the switch three catena systems, to strengthen the safety and the credibility of the safe catena system.That design applies the numerical electric circuit to imitate basic principle of the electric circuit and control electric circuit.Collect from the numeral of the signal, the emulation of the signal enlarges after the control back track of the electric appliances, the function that carried out the sound and light to report to the police and shut down automatically.Compare goodly resolved the normal work appearance to work with not normally appearance of safe catena system identify the problem


热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 17:03

i did it by head, not via any bloody program.


The whole propose of designing the electric circuit of the "Establishment chain security system" is for the safety of the people who works specifically under potential radial hazard. (你这句话有问题,中文我看不明白,你这个电路到底是给什么设计的?给人还是给设施?)This system can be widely applied in cashboxes, bursaries, archives offices and similar important areas to ensure they are secure. This design introces the ideas of door switch, aisle sound-ligh sensible switch and the touch switch in the work area, by the combination of these three unique switches the overall security and reliability is imporved. The principle of this design is based on the theories of digital circuit, analog circuit and control circuit. From the digital data collecting, amplification to the control of the relay, it enables the light-sound sensitive alarm and the function of self-termination. It can cope with the identification of the security system under fine working condition and error.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 17:03

The circuit facilities chains ray devices designed to ensure the safety of personnel and facilities for the design. This design is also available for treasury, finance room, archives and other important facilities security safety applications. The design adopted door switches, photoelectric switches channels, the workplace touch switches 3 Road chains to enhance the security and safety chains reliability. The application of digital circuit design simulation circuits and control circuits of the basic principles. Digital signal from the collection, simulation enlarged to relay signals control circuit, achieving sound warning and automatic parking function. Better address the normal working conditions and non-state security chains normal working identification.
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