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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 10:57



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 11:34


I have some horses, some geese, a few cows and pigs on my farm.

I grow apple trees in this field. You can pick some apples if you want. They’re sweet and juicy. In that field I grow carrots.

This is a big farm.There are five sheep,three pigs and a few chickens on my farm.There are many fruit trees.They are apple trees and banana trees.There are many vegetables in the field. They are carrots,peppers and potatoes. I love my farm.





热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 11:34



I love my farm. It is really beautiful and if you ever go there you will love it like I do. Every time I go to my lovely farm I feed the curious chickens, and I normally see big fluffy rabbits sitting quietly in the corner, chewing on grass.


last year we opened a Cellar Door (winery), so know i get to plat yards and yards of grapes in my farm, so i can make the finest wine in the whole world.


I love going to other places, but my farm is my favourite!


热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 11:35

This is my farm. It is not very big, but it’s beautiful. On my farm, there are many animals living their happy life.

In the middle, there is a pond. A fountain is in the pond. Near the pond, there are some flowers blossoming. On the right, there are some dogs, pigs, fish, sheep and cows. They are not very lovly.

Ob the left, there are some donkeys, cats, cks, hens, and horses. Near the horses is my house. In front of my house, there is another small house. There are some tomatoes,carrots ,hay, corn, and grass covering on it.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 11:35

This is my farm.It's so big.They are many animals and vegetable on the farm.Look at these sheep and cows.They're so cute!Next to them is a chicken cage with three chickens. They are too fat! There are many vegetables in it.These are carrots and potatoes. They're big! Those are tomatoes and beans.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 11:36

This is my farm. It is not very big, but it’s beautiful. On my farm, there are many animals living their happy life.
In the middle, there is a pond. A fountain is in the pond. Near the pond, there are some flowers blossoming. On the right, there are some dogs, pigs, fish, sheep and cows. They are not very lovly.
Ob the left, there are some donkeys, cats, cks, hens, and horses. Near the horses is my house. In front of my house, there is another small house. There are some tomatoes,carrots ,hay, corn, and grass covering on it.
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