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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 19:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:41

晕 我看了一下回答 大部分都是 用在线工具翻译的要不就是用有道。。我给你翻译了一下 你看看 不过我还是提醒你 最好最好还是重新写一下。。写的确实有很多模糊的地方 比如你的plan 你要是不会的话可以找中介带你写 你应该去韩国的话 不知道英语需要达标么 下面是我的翻译 是自己写的但是。。我英语也不太非常好 我现在在加拿大留学来了也有4个月了 跟外国人说话没问题 写东西的话 还是不太够文采。。。大多都是简单句 你要重写的话 我还可以帮你翻译 我很乐意帮你 因为这也能让我提高翻译的能力呵呵 qq:348432527

growing background:

I have two younger sisters in my happiness family. my independent ability is very well because my

parents have a hard work. I took care of my study independent,and I care of my younger sisters in

my spare times. so my parents never worry about my course.

Family situation:

I , my parents,and my two sisters

interest & hobbies:

Rubik's cube , basketball , sing

my future plan :

I will study hard in korea and try my best to learn korean faster. I will be kind to

everyone,respect my teacher,make more friends in korea. I hope I'll have a memorable time in my

university life.


I'm dying to study in korea. that is my dream. I always watch korea movies ,listen korea song in my
free time. however I think that South Korea ecation system is one of the most developed country

in the world. I'm going to learn cultural and experience religious in korea. I will love there.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:42

I grew up living in a happy family, because there are two sister's sake, I grew independence is especially strong, and parents work hard, so I grew to understand the operation of the housework, take care of his sister, never let the parents worry about my studies.

Family situation:
I live in the happiness of a family of five families, I have two sisters

I am interested in:
Play Cube,basketball and sing.

Future plans:
I went to Korea, will strive to learn Korean, as soon as possible to begin my college life, I will be kind to everyone around, and respect my teacher, I think I'll make a lot of friends, a pleasant and memorable college life.

Training Registration motivation Korean:
I love Korea, I like to watch Korean movies, listen to Korean songs, I think ecation is very advanced in Korea, I think of South Korea to accept a higher ecation, etc., and let yourself feel the Korean culture, I will fall in love with South Korea.【但是,在韩国上大学的同时,也不会忘记我的祖国—中国、这是我自己加的貌似这样比较好一些。】

英文是;But the university in Korea, but also will not forget my country-China.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:42

I grow up in a happy family of five. They are my parents, my two younger sisters and I. My parents both work hard to support the family . As I am the oldest child, I have learnt at an early age to do housework, to take care of my younger sisters and myself. Thus my parents seldom worry about my life. This determines that I am an independent child, so I believe I can deal with my life abroad alone .
I have many hobbies such as playing magic cube, basketball and singing.

After I come to South Korea, I will learn Korean with great efforts, so that I can adapt myself to the life there soon and begin my college life. I will respect my teachers and try to make more friends. I hope I will have a pleasant and unforgettable college life.

I choose Korean as my major because I love the culture of South Korea, such as Korean films and songs. I long for to get an advanced higher ecation in South Korea and taste its culture. I think I will fall in love with South Korea.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:43


I grew up in a happy family life, because there are two sister's sake, I grew up independent ability is especially strong, parents work hard, so I grew up knows exercise of the housework and look after the younger sister, never let parents worry about my study.


I live in a family of five happiness family, I have two sisters

My interests:

Play rubik's cube basketball singing

Future plan:

I to Korea hind, will try to learn Korean, soon will start my university life, I will treat everyone, respect my teacher, I think I'll make many many friends, spend a pleasant and memorable college life

Korean register; motivation:

I like Korea, I like watching Korean films, listen to Korean song, I think South Korea's ecation is very advanced, I think South Korea accept higher ecation, and let yourself feel Korean culture, I would love to South Korea.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:43

I grew up living in a happy family, because there are two sister's sake, I grew independence is especially strong, and parents work hard, so I grew to understand the operation of the housework, take care of his sister, never let the parents worry about my studies.

I live in the happiness of a family of five families, I have two sisters

I am interested in:
Singing and playing basketball Cube

Future plans:
I went to Korea, will strive to learn Korean, as soon as possible to begin my college life, I will be kind to everyone around, and respect my teacher, I think I'll make a lot of friends, a pleasant and memorable college life

Training Registration Korean motives:
I love Korea, I like to watch Korean movies, listen to Korean songs, I think ecation is very advanced in Korea, I think of South Korea to accept a higher ecation, etc., and let yourself feel the Korean culture, I will fall in love with South Korea.
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