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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-22 09:22



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 18:03

There isn't a minute I would spend without you
There isn't a moment I would breathe without you
Every piece of my heart belongs to you
Nothing can stop us now

I walked in with a smile on my face
Cause seeing you makes me feel living grace
So I need to tell you right, right now something

I know you're scare of what the future holds
Don't get me wrong cause I do too
But right now I can tell you
You don't have to fear
Cause you and I are like the leaves and flower

Without you I can't live for an hour
I say you are crazy but I know that it is true
that if there was a forever I would spend with you
With you ...

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 18:03

With You

By Leah Dou Jingtong

There isn't a minute I would spend without you
There isn't a moment I would breathe without you
Every piece of my heart belongs to you
Nothing can stop us now

I walked in with a smile on my face
Cause seeing you makes me feel living grace
So I need to tell you right, right now something

I know you're scare of what the future holds
Don't get me wrong cause I do too
But right now I can tell you
You don't have to fear

Cause you and I are like the leaves and flower
Without you I can't live for an hour
I say you are crazy but I know that it is true
that if there was a forever I would spend with you
With you ...

You say 'You're down, what's on your mind ?'
I say 'Nothing, but I am hypnotized'
But would this moment last forever, forever

I know you're scare of what the future holds
Don't get me wrong cause I do too
But right now I can tell you
You don't have to fear

Cause you and I are like the leaves and flower
Without you I can't live for an hour
I say you are crazy but I know that it is true
that if there was a forever I would spend with you
With you ...
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