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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-21 19:15



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 07:13

[常用被动语态]从事, 着手, 忙于(in)

约束; 约定; 使订婚, 与…订婚(to)

保证, 担保, 允诺

雇用, 聘; (预)定(房间、座位等)

吸引, 引起(兴趣), 占用

接战, 与...交战(with); 使参加, 使...卷入其中

【机】使(齿轮等) 咬合, 衔接


He is engaged just now.
Tom is engaged to Anne.
This seat is engaged.
We engage him as technical adviser.
His good nature engages everyone.
Work engages much of her time.
be engaged by 为...所吸引
be engaged in 正做着, 正忙着
be engage oneself in 正做着, 正忙着
be engaged on 着手(某事), 从事(某事)
be engaged upon 着手(某事), 从事(某事)
be engaged to 同...订婚
be engage oneself to 同...订婚
be engaged with 正与...接洽; 正忙于, 从事
engage for 应承, 保证, 担保; 负责
engage upon 开始(某种职业)
engage on 开始(某种职业)
engage with 与...交战 (齿轮等)与...啮合, 搭合


热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 07:13

engage [en·gage || ɪn'geɪdʒ]
v. 使忙碌; 预定; 雇佣; 答应; 交战; 从事

[VN] (formal) to succeed in attracting and keeping sb's attention and interest: It is a movie that engages both the mind and the eye. ◆ Their pleas failed to engage any sympathy.
~ sb (as sth) (formal) to employ sb to do a particular job: [VN] He is currently engaged as a consultant. ◆ We will have to engage the services of a translator. [also VN to inf]
[V] ~ (with sth/sb) to become involved with and try to understand sth/sb: She has the ability to engage with young minds.
(formal) to begin fighting with sb: [VN] to engage the enemy [also V]
~ (with sth) when a part of a machine engages, or when you engage it, it fits together with another part of the machine and the machine begins to work: [V] One cogwheel engages with the next. ◆ The cogwheels are not engaging. ◆ [VN] Engage the clutch before selecting a gear.
Phrasal Verbs:
engage in sth
engage sb in sth to take part in sth; to make sb take part in sth: Even in prison, he continued to engage in criminal activities. ◆ She tried desperately to engage him in conversation.
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