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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 17:05



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 03:04

Every heart has love, different kinds of love, there are different degrees of love, I have different feelings of love. There are different ways of love. Mother Love, a land of love, the community also has an affection; Love of family, love of the students will have to have love for the world. Love is a concern, forgiveness and understanding behavior. After Cross is an example, they spared no effort to help those primitive peoples in the region and in the lives of children. The people in this community who love. Currently, the youth in Taiwan, as many as 27% of young people would feel great health, some smoking, some drinking, but at the same time. It was also quiet those who have gone astray guide young people back on track and looking forward to a bright future. Not only have a love of mankind, animals, and plants of this nature must be love. 1991, in Taipei, is the "stray animals" home, where there are very many volunteers. together to help those who have been abandoned by their small animals, and have medical help it build homes. The monsoon climate in Taiwan, a very great variety of plants for us to use, but our consumption very rapidly. Therefore, Taiwan's mountains, has 17% of the "eyes". But there have been many people in the campaign to promote and protect the natural, because in their hearts with love. Moreover, such a broad mind, the island is still beautiful. Love is each one of us, but the power of love is very great, the color is incomparable love of the United States. She will love the hearts of the people are happy, happy people contributing love, love of laughter. Make a happy family, social stability and world peace. Care, forgiveness and understanding is love, love for us to contribute to society, to the world, to the world. so human warmth everywhere, there are loving and full of love.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 03:05

what's the true love?What's the puppy love?For students in the college.We are looking for thing called"love",We do enjoy walking around with him or her .Just prefer to have classes or have meals with him or her.Have you considered if it is the true love.That is the puppy love.the meaning of puppy love is simple---When we were young.We meet the first love and enjoy it .Actually we don't understand what the true love is.True is a power which help us or encourage us to progress for our future.May be we don't have to meet everyday,We just miss each other and be willing to assume responsibility togehter to make a family.That 's true.We haven't been old enough to find the true love.
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