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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 19:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 15:56


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 15:57

A: Hi, AnnaB: Oh, Susan! It has been a long time. A: Yes, I've just come back from USA. B: what do you think? A: that's a great city, very busy, where people are very warm, although very cold in winter, but can make a snowman. B: it sounds interesting, China winter although very cold, but can not make a snowman and play, however, in the spring and autumn is very comfortable season, you America usually do what thing? A: I get up at seven o'clock in the morning, go to work after breakfast, I Chinese teacher in a school, to teach students to speak Chinese, that is very interesting, and I'll go to the library to read some books I like, do you? B: I am now a kindergarten teacher, I usually meet the children in the kindergarten 8 points, and then teach them to sing, dance, play games, and these lovely, innocent children together, will make me feel very young. A: this job is suitable for you, more relaxed, it was very late, is looking forward to the next time to chat with you.B.bye

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 15:57

A: hi, Anna
B: oh, Susan!Long time no see.
A: yes, I've just come back from the United States.
B: what do you think?
A: that's A wonderful city, very busy, where people are passionate, while winter is cold, but it can make A snowman.
B: that sounds interesting, although China's winter is very cold, but cannot play a snowman, however, in the spring and autumn are very comfortable season, what do you usually do in the United States?
A: I get up at 7 o 'clock in the morning, go to work after eating breakfast, I when Chinese teacher in A school, teaching students speak Chinese, it is very interesting, then I'll go to the library to read some books, I like you?
B: I'm a kindergarten teacher, now I usually eight o 'clock to meet at the gate of the kindergarten, children and teach them to sing, dance, play games, and these lovely, naive children together, I would feel oneself also become very young.
A: this job is very suitable for you, also more relaxed, time is very late, very much looking forward to chat with you next time.
B: goodbye!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 15:58

HO苏叁。long time no see
王卡专属免流包是什么意思 腾讯王卡专属流量是什么意思 人防临空墙排烟机房可以留洞吗? 瑞士转机的问题? 雅阁、第九代凯美瑞、迈腾,大空间的中级车推荐 云顶之弈双人排位介绍 金铲铲之战 金铲铲段位相差多少可以一起打? 现在上海办理居住证需要本人去吗 34周加5天是几个月 孕34周是几个月了 孕34周如何预防早产 蒸馒头要等它发酵才蒸吗 B What U Whanna B的含义是什么? Percy Jackson第四本里The two-faced man regarded Annab 一个英语单词Banana,将所有的字母拆散重新组合,问有多少种组合满足b后边马上出现a 道教有什么非常有意思的神话故事? 像what u anna b 这样的英文歌 皮肤突发过敏症状,用薇诺娜马齿苋舒缓保湿喷雾真的可以舒缓敏感吗? 在家时,在学校时,在郊外时,在街上行走时,在商店时,在影剧院体育馆时,在公交工具上时的地震逃生方法 馒头发酵完以后,是不是要马上蒸(今天晚上做完,明天早上蒸) 道教神话有哪些故事? 道教神话中的“十八般兵器”有哪些?最强的是什么? 道教神话中有什么神呢? 芝士碎可以直接吃吗 我女儿20岁了,起痘痘好几年了,脸肿流水,现好的只有痘印了,我用白糖和蒲公英捣碎给她敷脸,脸发红又 在道教神话传说中,凡人是怎样被神仙点化成仙的? 道教神话中,为何说人体里有三万六千个神仙? 芝士碎能提前烤出来吗 求美景之屋1的百度云链接,哪位大神有能给份吗,谢啦 冻芝士可以放烤箱再烤下吗? 中国道教的神话 给讲一下! 馒头发酵了一个晚上是要用冷水蒸还是开水蒸 关於Anna Abreu 的资料 安娜贝尔地板怎么样? we may call anna smith ___ .A.mrs anna B.mrs smith C.mr anna D. mr smith 写解释 激素脸是不是不能用马齿苋煮水敷脸? 激素脸可以用马齿苋煮水敷脸吗? ANA是什么意思 Anna's Blog 翻译 急! 我是淘宝卖家,请问怎么查看我那些已发货但买家还没有确认收货的钱有多少? 如何自己疏通厕所? 淘宝网在买家未确认收货之前付款的钱是在哪里 QQ飞车星辰许愿池多久出新车? 英语问题,谢谢。 地震来临时应该如何自救? 安娜党有这么牛B吗 Anna _________ gets up at 6:40 a.m., but she gets up at 7:30 a.m. today. A.never B.usually. qq飞车手游许愿银币怎么获得 免费获取攻略 take a seat,anna 高中化学!! 计算机,SQL sever 中什么是内连接,什么是外连接?