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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-22 05:49



热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 05:51

Confidence is indispensable to me.
They ought to admit the wrongness of this conct.
I can make it.
be prudent to face problems
treasure every single time for the time being
To begin with,this isn't a good phenomenon at least.
This problem aimed at,I consider it done by this.
develop the whole capabilities of one's own
Never care the result so much.
Keep reflect ourselves.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 05:52

1. As for me, confidence is the most important.
2. They should admit their wrong deeds.
3. I can make it.
4. (We should) face the problem with reason.
5. Cherish what you own now.
6. First of all, it is not a good phenomenon anyway.
7. As for this problem, I think we should solve it in this way.
8. Find all your potentials and abilities and use them in the work you do.
9. Don't care too much about the outcomes.
10. Reflect yourself from time to time.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 05:52

(1) For me, confidence is indispensable
(2) They should admit mistake this kind of behavior
(3) I can do this.
(4) face the problem rationally
(5) cherish now drops
(6) First, at least it's not a good sign
(7) aiming at this problem, I think should do that
(8) develop to all your abilities
(9) Don't worry too much about the results
(10) Reflect on yourself all the time.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 05:53

Confidence is neccessary to me.
They should admit their fault action.
I can do it.
Face the problem wisely.
Cherish every moment now.
FIrst, it is not a good phenomenon.
To thisproblem, I think we should do like this.
Develop my full capacity.
The consequence is not so important.
introspect yourself now and then.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 05:54

1 As far as I concerned, confidence is integral.
2 They should admit their mistake about this sort of behaviour
3 I could do this(There's something I can do)
4 sensible to face problem
5 cherish the current little things
6 Above all, at least it's not a good phenomenon.
7 According to this problem, I think should do so.
8 give play to one's own all ability
9 don't worry too much about the results
10 introspection at every moment
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