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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 18:17



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 00:41

China, my motherland, is really a great country.And now her sixtith birthday is coming.
It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.
As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It’s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war ring 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It’s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.
China was founded as an independent country named People’s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology.We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation’s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 2000,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.
...DE分别在BC AC上,且AE=CD,连接AD,BE交于点p 过B作BQ⊥AD Q为垂足... ...AC上的点,且AE=CD 连接AD BE 交于点P 作BQ垂 ...ac上的点,且ae=cd,连接ad、be交于点p作BQ⊥AD,垂足为Q,求证BP=2... ...AC上的点,且AE=CD,链接AD、BE交于点P,作BQ⊥AD ...AC上的点,且AE=CD,连结AD、BE交于点P,作BQ⊥AD,垂足为Q. ...刚刚大学毕业。由于生病,导致目前没有工作,大学四年的女友也因为我... 形容“荷花的特点”有什么词语 梦见比人还高大的石头蛤蟆,杀人拆房子。我和其他人一起翘辫子了._百度... 梦见别人送我一条蛇,我却把他不小心放了.可是我用石头打了它一下... 作文 我生活在鼓励中 关于爱祖国爱科学的演讲稿 关于科学家的演讲稿 关于科学家的演讲稿(不要居里夫人的) 科学演讲稿怎么写? 关于科学家演讲稿 写一篇关于中国科学家的演讲稿 演讲稿“崇尚科学 以我与科学为题,写一篇演讲稿,300字左右 讲科学演讲稿100字 关于科学的演讲稿 谁能帮我写关于科学的演讲稿 有关科学的演讲稿 iphone能看ppt吗 怎麼用iphone 看ppt 苹果手机如何全屏播放ppt 2021 年,作为程序员的你 1024 怎么过? 华为荣耀 6误删了一些照片怎么恢复或者找到照片文件? 石河子143团的常用wifi密码排行榜 现代社会体育形式多样种类丰富,那古时候的体育项目有多精彩? honor手机内存照片误删怎么恢复? 赞美科学家的演讲稿!(100字左右) 科学家的演讲稿 木床长虫有什么办法 木床里面有天天发出声响的虫子,应该怎么杀死 合肥到长沙有哪些交通工具? 长沙到合肥汽车时刻表时间,票价 杉树木床长虫怎么处理 请问坐火车从合肥到长沙最少要多少钱~?车次,时间,票价神马的。。 请问从安徽合肥到湖南长沙有火车吗,几点的(转车也可以),谢谢拉!! 长沙到合肥新增的列车L206次,请问谁知道它的列车时刻表么。? 从安微到长沙要多久啊? 合肥到湘潭怎么走最快,坐火车!!! 三菱FX系列PLC完全精通教程的图书目录 请问从长沙到合肥的动车组和普通火车的时间和票价是多少? 从松滋到长沙的汽车有哪些? PLC编程及应用的目录 请问下从合肥到凤凰古城应该怎么走?推荐一个大家比较常用的比较方便的路线去那 PLC自学手册的作品目录 电气控制及PLC的图书一目录 合肥到湖南永洲要多久? 坐火车和飞机 票价各自是多少?