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汉译英 高中英语

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-12 21:52



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 20:16

1.put the fish in the freezer,or it will deteriorate 2, how long this kind of hot weather will remain 3, the plan is feasible 4, every day I got up early,go to a small garden, sit on the bench. Joyful singing birds in the trees, fish in the pond free of play, and I am glad to play. 5, because the car he was driving too fast and in violation of traffic rules 6, he took out a bottle of beer and drunk up quickly 7, he promised to give me a gift 8, by the way, does she pay the money for you? 9 Who taught you biology next semester? 10, Mr White told me why he should go abroad 11, he always put his bedroom immaculate 12, I suggested that he read more books 13, he took the machine 14, we elected him class leader

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 20:17

1, put the fish in the fridge, whether it will turn bad 2 this hot weather will stay for a few days 3, this plan is feasible 4 every day I got up early and went to the small garden, and sat on the bench. The birds are singing happily, the fish in the pond free play, I also play of very happy 5, because of his car so fast and violate the traffic rules 6 and he took out a bottle of beer, soon will drink it 7 and he promised to give me a gift And, incidentally, she put money to pay to you? 9, who will teach you biology next term? 10, Mr White tell me why he wants to go abroad 11, he always put his bedroom spick and span 12, I suggested that he read some books 13 and he repaired the machine 14 we chose him as our monitor
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