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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 20:20



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 16:37

Mission branch secretary and leading to the outstanding performance with the school's College of Mission ties. Many achievements College ranked first. College leadership by the masses. Branch concept in the past to overcome weak corps of militia activity so boring work not being taken seriously. low rate of participation and other issues. Innovations and innovative ways to effectively enhance the cohesion of the students, the participation rate also increased dramatically. Planning and organization of group diary, the first league day activity College. College representatives to the school to participate in an election, and the school was given only five places "54 Hongqituanbu pacesetter." I was "excellent CYL cadres" and the title of the school "outstanding student" Award. Gets along well with the highest number of votes were outstanding lead College Class.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 16:38

Group cell secretary organizes and the leadership branch members
completes the group service work by the outstanding result which the
institute school gives. Works the achievement to be the institute many
times first. Receives high praise which the institute leads. Overcame
the group service work which the former branch concept light, the
group date activity arid and so on the reason caused not to take, the
participation rate is lower and so on the question. Persists to
innovate, the way is novel, the effective enhancement schoolmates
cohesive force, the participation rate also greatly increases.
Organizes group diary which and plans, rolls Japan the activity to
attain institute first. On behalf of the institute to the school
participation campaign, and obtains the school to award only has 5
quotas of people "54 Red Flag youth corps cells pivot men". Myself
obtain "the outstanding Communist Youth League cadre" the title and
the school "the outstanding student cadre" the second prize. Leads
this Ban Yizui high 票数 to attain the institute outstanding class
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